You don’t dance with your/
Feet. Keep the beat with your heart/
and move with your soul.
Tag Archives: hurting
When Your Pained Heart Sputters: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Life is like dancing./
Sometimes we need a partner/
to help keep the beat.
Let Me Share Your Burden: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
I’ve learned that my heart/
is never heavy unless/
I’ve caused someone pain.
Sing Deep From Your Soul: Revolutionary Email Haiku
Now that your heart is/
broken, reach deep into your/
soul and start singing.
Peace Bringer: Revolutionary Email Haiku
If I can bring a/
small measure of peace into/
pained lives, I’m happy.
Writing Words Of Comfort: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
I thought perhaps my/
words could enfold and comfort/
her in her pained grief.
I Wish I Could Ease Her Pain: Revolutionary Email Haiku
If I knew her, I/
would give her a hug. I don’t,/
so I’ll pray for her.
Sympathy As A Friend Passes: Revolutionary Email Rhyming Haiku
Death’s just a gate, but/
to we who must wait, it’s a/
wall we wet with tears.
Chemo Kids Are Cool: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
The world touts photos/
of stud guys and glam girls, but/
chemo kids beat ’em.
Another Friday Night: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
My first official/
Friday of freedom, and I/
ain’t got nobody.