Cute young thing,/
her daddy driving/
their white minivan,/
puts her hands/
out the window/
as we go/
wind surfing,/
with me,/
rocking Queen./
My first freeway dance.
Cute young thing,/
her daddy driving/
their white minivan,/
puts her hands/
out the window/
as we go/
wind surfing,/
with me,/
rocking Queen./
My first freeway dance.
Your powerful Maserati
is stuck in traffic jams.
His cool Ferrari
moves like overcooked Spam.
While my rag-topped Sebring,
tunes up, top down,
heralds the sunshine of Spring
at 80 mph through town.
And fellow freeway observers cheer at my hands:
dancin’ up in the air, like American Band Stand!
We threw milkweed pods/
and our hands in the air, and/
laughed like kids. They are.
How this haiku happened: Someone posted a Meme saying: “You’re never childless, when you have a Husband”. I responded:
“This was offensive to me… until I started to look at it in a positive light.
Yes, I do act like a child sometimes. Maybe often.
This morning I turned off the bathroom lights and took a shower in the dark to the light of the setting full moon.
Yesterday my great-nephew and niece and I “put our hands in the air” and danced driving in my convertible all the way through town.
I bring home the bacon and am responsible (I have a mortgage that’s nearly paid off), but have a child-like glee in life. I’m kind, tender-hearted, and like to make jokes and have fun.
I’ll play in the sand with Tonka trucks, and stop to look at a bug on a sunflower.
Yesterday I showed these kids about milkweed pods, and as we drove away, we threw parachutes to the sky and giggled when they swirled around our heads in the wind vortex my ragtop-down created.
“For such is the Kingdom of Heaven”, Jesus said.
Maybe that’s not a bad thing.