Her red shoes and purse/
were as stunning as she was, /
but she was working.
Her red shoes and purse/
are stunning, but be quiet!/
She’s a working girl!
Tag Archives: haiku
Elaboration, Please: Romantic Email Rhyming Haiku
often facilitates great/
oft great communication/
Make Love, Not Sex: Romantic IMprov Haiku
Instead of wond’ring/
when sex will happen for you,/
make love all the time.
Make The Change: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
How can we change the/
world if we keep fleeing life’s/
hardest battlefields?
Giving Hugs Is Hard: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
I stood on the street,/
arms outstretched for hugs. Dogs and/
children gave freely.
There’s Always Hope: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
The great thing about/
Tomorrow is that it will/
always offer Hope.
Canada Geese Formation At Moonrise And Sunrise: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Good morning, geese V!/
I cried seeing you against/
the moon last night, too