She will wake up to/
words unbounded, thoughts released,/
passions unfettered.
Tag Archives: haiku
Shun Coming Of Age: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Why would I want to/
write about an event I’m/
trying to avoid?
Falsely Self Deprecating: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
The pain of hearing/
her self-deprecate lessens/
when you know she’s wrong.
Eating Away The Pain Alternative: Romantic IMprov Haiku
He offered to change/
her life. Don’t eat Doritos;/
munch on Davidos.
Beauty’s Vision: Romantic IMprov Haiku
Every vision of/
her beauty makes my stomach /
capture butterflies.
Venus And Her: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
I saw Venus in/
marble, perfect in form, and/
I remembered her.
Beauty As Inspiration: Romantic IMprov Haiku
His beautiful words/
were inspired by her inner/
and outer beauty.
Thrill Of Thrilling: Romantic IMprov Haiku
He often wondered/
if he would ever have the/
thrill of thrilling her.