When you spill whole corn/
o’er the kitchen floor, at least/
you can know it’s clean.
Tag Archives: haiku
God’s Hand In Nature: Haiku Retort
An Instagram post: “She was a fool, and so am I, and so is anyone who thinks he sees what God is Doing, [writes Bokonon]” #Kurtvonnegut #catscradle
My retort:
To see, in Nature,
God’s Hand, is high gratitude*.
To understand? Grace.
*just means you’re grateful.
Lands Of Light Stall: Haiku
I want to go to/
lands of light, but not ugly,
so I stall tripping.
Disconnected: Free Verse Lament
Dark thoughts,
deep weeping,
well up in my soul.
The world seems disconnected
from me,
and I from her.
Why does the water-wading song
drill through
my bedroom door,
as if to mock me
and my lullaby memories?
I am abandoned
by all who I thought
loved me,
and who
I truly loved
and lived for.
My mistakes
have unraveled
all my life,
and I feel
no mercy,
no compassion,
no hope,
no love,
except for
the faith
and hope
I have
He loves me still.
Bluetooth Hearing Ignoring Non-Communication: Haiku Lament
If you don’t listen,
and plug your ears, it becomes
hard to talk to you.
Why I Intrude: Revolutionary Haiku
When my life is lost,
out of control, I intrude
in things I shouldn’t.
Make Stories: Rhyming Haiku
We all make stories/
of how others feel. If we/
ask, truths are revealed.
Power Vortex And Falls: Nature Observation Haiku
Negative ions
rise from falls between two rock
vortexes. Power
Beethoven’s Ninth Nap Timed: IMprov Haiku
I’ve learned that the last
movement of Beethoven’s Ninth
is perfect nap-timed
Rainwater Tea Base: Haiku
Will she get angry
once she learns fresh rainwater
is native tea base?