She, cheerleader, cool.
I, (nerd,) not. She: Kind to me.
I’ve never forgot.
Tag Archives: haiku
Doing What You Should: Haiku
You’re not doing what/
you should be doing? How do/
you get back to it?
Cats Versus Songbirds Balance: Haiku
How many songbirds/
get sacrificed so we have
no vermin? Balance!
How many songbirds/
must die so we have no mice?
Feral cat balance.
What’s It Like To Be Kind? Haiku
What’s it like to be
that kind and caring person?
She’ll never wonder.
Backstory: A Facebook post about a friend talked about how she was being kind and caring. As I was reading about what she’d done, this poem came to mind. I wondered what it would be like to be kind and caring, and realized that was probably something she never had to think about. She just IS that way. “Kindness begins with me.”
Am I A Failure? Self-Pity Haiku
Think you’re a failure?/
Loser feelings carry on/
unless you say: “Stop it!”
Feeling A Failure: Haiku Lament
When you decide you’re/
a failure at one thing, the
feeling carries on.
If I’m Not, Then Now What?
When I failed, they claimed:
“He’s not who he was.” Once more,
I’ve changed. Look. Forgive?
Know But Don’t Do: Haiku Lament
Why am I here? Why
am I – we set on this land?
I know, yet don’t do.
Change Now, Not Stare Back: Rhyming Haiku
Though I might still be
misaligned, I don’t stare back
behind, but change now.
Silly Dreams I’ve Dreamt: Amused Haiku
He, the broke walrus,/
dreams of luring the nymph. [LAUGH!] /
Yet I played that game.