I’ve seen Rembrandts and/
Warhols, but some true art can/
also be tasted.
Tag Archives: haiku
He Knows Him: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
He is a simple/
follower of Christ, and speaks/
the truth from knowing.
Child-like Testimony Is Truth: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
My friend is full of/
The Lord’s love. When he speaks of/
Him, I know He lives.
I’m Diggin’ Her, She’s Searching For Him: Romantic Email Haiku Lament
Every guy wants to/
know that the gal he’s diggin’/
is searching on-line.
Marriage Is What: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku
I grew tired of folks/
claiming I was avoiding,/
so I proposed twice.
To Beauties Watching A Moonrise: Romantic IMprov Haiku
I shall refrain from/
quoting what Shakespeare once wrote:/
Smite that jealous Moon.
Skipping Sunday School — Rebels Without A Class: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Rebellious Mormon/
teens mess with the library’s/
copier Sundays.
Different Woman, Same Pain: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku Lament
When she’s with me but/
texting him, it hurts like it/
once did. Thank you NOT.