It’s ok to have
P on the floor, as long as
it’s a vegetable.
Tag Archives: haiku
Spooking A Great Blue Heron: Haiku
Silently breathing,
barely moving, I still spook
the great blue heron.
Social Media is the Convo-Thief Lament Haiku
We have deep talks when/
her device gives insights. Else,/
I’m left to myself.
I thought myself wise,
insightful, worth talking to.
I’m boring, replaced.
Were I wisked away,/
I would not be missed. She could/
still comment to friends.
Some fight unfaithful/
lovers. Others get replaced/
by technology.
If porn is wrong ‘cuz/
it subs for intimate love,/
what is device talk?
Still Doing, Wanting To Believe: Haiku
I’m still doing what
I think I should, still wanting
to believe I’m good.
As My Glory Fades: Haiku Lament
As my glory fades,
I struggle, then realize:
It was never mine.
Show Respect: Haiku Lament
How can and should I/
show respect to someone who/
doesn’t respect me?
Don’t Mind Read God: Haiku
Stop mind reading God.
Ask what you should do, and how.
He’ll tell you. Then, do.
Think Of The Creativity! ImproVerse Haiku
would boom if I wrote thoughts, not
social media*,
Facebook and X posts
The Ethan Froome Of It: Haiku Lament
It’s the Ethan Fromme
of it all I never saw
coming, but who does?
Think Celestial Not Martha Work: IMprov Haiku
When we stop doing/
Martha work and focus on/
Celestial, we grow.