When I ask for help,/
get none, then break what I need/
help with, I’ll just quit.
Tag Archives: haiku
Her Voice, Raised: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
In the end, it won’t/
matter if your voice was heard,/
just that it was raised.
Remember Those Goals? Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
I’ve stopped meeting my/
goals. Should I start over or/
return and repair?
Lost In My Own Field: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku Video
It’s strange to feel so/
completely lost, deep in the/
midst of your own field.
Blue Screen Blues: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku Lament
I am drawn deeply and/
completely into the/
techno blue screen blues.
Cook It Yourself Like I Did: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
I’ve cooked boxed mac and/
cheese for years, so it’s hard to/
have that skill doubted.
Facebook News Waste: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku Lament
I waste so much time/
on Facebook, but how else would/
I ever learn news?
Ties Bind Dad And Son: Haiku
This old silk neckwear /
rom my Dad’s youth isn’t the/
only tie that binds.