Super Moonset over West Chickamauga Creek

The Setting Of The Super Moon: Two Haiku

Super Moonset over West Chickamauga CreekWhen you’re out of the/
daily grind, you can take time/
to watch the moon set.


Super moon rises/
are grand. Did you miss them? There’s/
still super moon sets.

Super moon set over the West Chickamauga and a corn field, through a gap in the oak trees.

If you miss the rising of the super moon
in the late afternoon,
don’t forget:
When the grass is early morning dew wet,
there’s a super moon set.

What He Told Me: IMproVerse Haiku

If He hath told me/
who I am; what to do, who/
am I to argue?

who I am and what to do,/
why should I argue?

why do I argue?

You Know You’re Sick: Haiku

You know you’re sick when/
your fav’rite team is playing/
and you forget it.

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