I fixed our bench swing.
Now we can sit together
and look at our phones.
Tag Archives: haiku
Goethe Do? Haiku
What did Goethe do,
alone, thinking? He had no
Techno FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out): Haiku
I’m so wrapped up in
checking all I might miss that
I’m missing all life.
We’re so wrapped up in
checking all we might miss that
we’re missing our lives.
I Asked God — Unexpected Answer: Haiku
I asked God for more
energy, and He gave me
two wasp stings. That worked!

Christ’s Peace Is Constant: Haiku
Christ’s peace is constant.
Christ’s peace in nature? Constant!
We need to seek it.
Not Monet’s Giverny, But Ours: Grateful Haiku
It is not Monet’s*,
But it’s ours. We’re building it peaceful, under God.
It’s not Giverny,
Why I’m Angry: Haiku Lament
I’m mad at others/
because I’m angry with me.
I’ll repent, improve.
Kpop Cool Black Hair Toupee Dye: Haiku
When you dye to look
KPop cool, but your black hair
looks toupee old fool.
When you think it would
be fun to look like K-pop
but looks like toupee.
Create Beautiful Content: Haiku
Backstory: A friend posted a meme about how there was going to be division in the Nation in the next few months. She suggested, instead of fighting and being snarky and mean, that we should “Create Beautiful Content.”
So I wrote this:
Covered In Sin Hope: Haiku
Covered in sin? Hope
you can do more than just sit
and wallow in it.