What they have’s special./
Yet, she is still out looking./
Should he be confused?
Tag Archives: haiku
Independence Day, Part Two: Romantic Blogging Haiku
The funny thing was/
she’d already taken her/
Freedom. He gave naught.
Freedom. He gave Nichts.
Freedom On Independence Day: Romantic Blogging Haiku
He gave in to her/
wish, and gifted freedom for/
Independence Day.
Suicide Tendencies: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku
My best friend told me:/
“If I was you, I’d kill me.”/
He doesn’t see joy.
Conversation Starter: Revolutionary IMprov Rhyming Haiku
Must I always be/
one who starts conversations?/
Should I be patient?
Joy Comes Upon Opening: Romantic IMprov Haiku
I ask her to tell/
deep thoughts. She hides hers from me./
Joy if she opens.
My Sunbeam Stream: Revolutionary IMprov Rhyming Haiku
You are my sunbeam,/
my only sunbeam. I dream/
of you, sunbeam stream.
Missing The Sunbeam: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
He was stuck in rain./
When, at last, the clouds parted,/
he missed the sunbeam.
Unfulfilled Expectations: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
When you’re expected/
to be there, and you vanish,/
people can get hurt.
Cheering A Cheerleader: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
I’ll get my pom-poms/
and do a loud cheer for you./
Will it make you smile?