Grey storm clouds gathered/
oe’r my head. Still, I looked up,/
and saw eagles soar.
Tag Archives: haiku
Pity Is No Party: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
A man wants to woo /
a woman with strength, not by /
milking* her pity.
*originally “gaining”
Harvest Ends: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
The first frost has hit./
This year’s garden is finished./
She won’t need me now.
Earning Back Trust: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Once you’ve broken trust,/
forget about earning it/
back. It is too hard.
It’s too scary
Once you’ve broken trust,/
don’t think you can just win it
back. It’s too scary.
Something No Father Should Face: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
No dad should reach the/
point where he must tell his girl:/
“Go. Die. I can’t help.”
Being There For You: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Being there for her/
means sometimes I won’t answer
her painful request.
We Won’t Answer Because We Love: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
You may now notice/
that all the people who love/
you won’t talk to you.
Do You Hear Me?: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
How much would joy be/
increased if women said what/
they meant, and men heard?
Not Couldn’t But Wouldn’t: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
I wasn’t doing/
anything so I couldn’t/
get her. I wouldn’t.
Written after my daughter’s phone call from a eating disorder treatment center: “What are you doing that you can’t come and get me?!?”