Until I bow to/
God’s will and do what He asks,/
I cannot know Him.
Tag Archives: haiku
Looking Up To A Woman: Romantic IMprov Haiku
Although I may be/
shorter, I’ll take her higher /
by measures unbounded.
How Creativity Dies: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
When you feel so sick/
you could die, your creative/
talents seem to leave.
Relationship Stealth Mode: Romantic ImproVerse Limerick
The cheese I’ll eat all by myself./
The gift books will go back on some shelf./
The zodiac pin/
I’ll try to sell again,/
since your mode’s gone back on stealth.
Needed Email? Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
How can my email/
be what you needed to hear?/
I wrote nothing deep.
What She’d Lose: Romantic IMprov Haiku
He knew, once she’d talked/
deeply with him, she’d lose her/
Long Overlooking Longingly: Romantic IMprov Haiku
She stood straight, limbs long,/
longing for he. Looking up,/
she couldn’t see me.