I don’t fathom what/
the big deal is. I walk on/
water every year.
Tag Archives: haiku
Adolescents Hot Tubing At The Flamingo: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
Hot tub boy-men put/
soap foam beards on their faces./
They can’t grow their own.
Missed Photo, Captured Memory: Revolutionary Haiku
Pink turquoise seafood/
with bright orange and red clouds:/
my phone-less sunset.
Pac Coast One Watchtower Rock: Revolutionary Haiku
Driving down Pac Coast/
One, Hendrix “All Along The/
Watchtower” rock hard.
A Picture Of My Heart: Romantic ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
I did send you a/
picture of my heart. That’s art./
But you don’t like it.
Captain Obvious: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
I was scum, full of/
deception, bad. So? Tell me/
something I don’t know.
I was scum, full of /
deception. So? Now tell me/
something I don’t know.