Every man deserves/
more than someone who’s hung up/
on another guy.
Tag Archives: haiku
Wanting An Answer: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku Lament
She promised me a/
response, but “No!” is not what/
I was looking for.
Silent Bon Voyage: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku Lament
How do I wish her/
a fond Bon Voyage! when she/
won’t let us visit?
Cool Like Betty White Birthday: Revolutionary IMprov Rhyming Haiku
When I am old, with/
the end in sight, I hope I’m/
cool like Betty White!
Children’s Beach Laughter: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Kids playing on a/
winter beach doesn’t sound much/
diff’rent than summer.
Kids playing on a/
winter beach sounds no diff’rent/
than in the summer.