Why not run? Why not/
Run? Why Not run? WHY not RUN?/
WHY NOT RUN?!? Why not?
Tag Archives: haiku
Perspective — His Friend Had A Stroke: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
The most important/
Game of the year and one huge/
Fan doesn’t care much.
Backyard Chase Lounge: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
Since she won’t wrap me/
in her warm embrace, I’ll lay/
out in the sunshine
Super Bowl Writing Pre-Funk: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
When you spend your day/
in awe and hero worship,/
you write nothing new.
Not Missing Her Mouth: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
I won’t miss her mouth./
I will miss the sounds that come/
out and inspire me.
Not Going There: Romantic Improv Haiku
I don’t want to “go /
there” because I’m enjoying/
here so much right now.
Late Night Rockin’ Round And Round A Round-About: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Driving home late night,/
I zoom ’round a round-about/
twice, fast, rockin’ “YEAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!”