Heaven’s admission/
price is obedience. We/
don’t have to “get it”.
Tag Archives: haiku
Her Dining Choice: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
She could have dined on/
Asian noodles. Instead, she’ll/
feast on haiku’d words.
Banter To Introspection: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
As sun’s light leaves the/
evening sky, light banter turns/
to introspection.
Seattle Versus Springville (Utah): Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
I like waving at/
the sun daily instead of/
just once a quarter.
the sun once a day instead/
of once a quarter.
Intensity Parity: Romantic ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
She was once intense/
in chasing me. Should I be/
that way t’wards her now?
Why Be Me? Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
I used to be me/
for me. Now I’m me so more/
people can be them.
Subjectivity In Creativity: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
“Good” is subjective/
when it’s used creatively./
There’s no God to judge.