She shared her words, her/
enthusiasm, and her/
bread pudding with us.
Tag Archives: haiku
Why Be Victory’s Fan: Romantic IMprov Rhyming Haiku
A man must be her/
fan, if only to have dreams/
to still believe in.
I Thought I Was Being Private: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
It’s not ’til later,/
after you urinate by/
the lake, bug bites itch.
When you have to pee/
late by the lake, mosquito/
bites show much later.
Wooing Ambivalence: Romantic ConTEXTing Rhyming Haiku
It’s increasingly/
harder to woo women who/
are ambivalent.
Lakeside Evening Star Reflections: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
When you can see the/
evening star reflected in/
the lake, you feel peace.
Writing Matters: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
I have crushes on/
pretty women ’til they prove/
they lack English* skills.