I bought strawberries/
for Mom today. She had some/
already. Who cares?
Seeing strawberry /
shortcake for dessert makes me/
forget all the rest.
Strawberry shortcake/
brings back summer memories/
and smiles and drooling.
Tag Archives: haiku
Super Hero At Walmart: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Act fast! You can save/
a mom’s world one shopping cart/
(and child) at a time.
Traffic “Experts”: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Traffic “experts” go/
through a two-sided buffet/
in just one line. Why?
Grumpy Old Man I’ve Become: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
I should be glad kids/
on the flight are laughing, but/
I am just annoyed.
Driving To A Blind Date: Romantic IMprov Haiku
She stared and smiled at/
me, eyes gleaming, thrilled to meet,/
until I stood up.
Wake Up Call: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
When your dream girl is/
in the arms of another,/
it’s time to wake up.
Discontinuing “We” Dancing: Romantic ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
If you camp with me,/
then dance with he, don’t expect/
OR (at 8:05)
If you camp with me,/
then dance with he, don’t expect/
to continue “we”.