When the rain puddles,
then cold comes, gather water
with freezing fingers.
Tag Archives: haiku
Orange Hat Bobbing Field Walk: Haiku
I watch her orange/
hat bobbing o’er wildflowers:
mid-winter field walk.
The Undiscovered Person, Revealed: Haiku
I’m now, at last, the
undiscovered person who’s
uncovered, revealed.
Sunday School Teacher Apology: IMprov Haiku
Trying to share my
love for Christ with youth, I smashed
some great Commandments.
Who Waits Surprise: Haiku
How much she has changed!
Now, ’tis I who waits for her/
to come from the field.
Get Going Land Management: Haiku
When you’re awakened
with visions of managing
the land, get going!
Art Museum Mosaic In Stall: Haiku

stalls in an art museum
should be mosaics?
Butterfly Love: Improv Haiku
I join with others/
on the map. Butterfly love/
combines Nature’s joy.
What I’m Willing To Do: Haiku Response
Backstory: A poetess, Mimi Allin, posted this question on Facebook (a question which, I think, all creative people face):
what are you willing to do
for peace
what are you willing to do
for love
what are you willing to do
for money
what are you willing to do
for art
In response, I wrote this haiku:
For peace, love, and art
I will do how I’m inspired.
For money? I’ll trust.
Surprise Winter Grounding Caress: Haiku
In deep midwinter,
moist leaves, grass, and earth caress
and deeply ground me.