When we stop doing/
Martha work and focus on/
Celestial, we grow.
Tag Archives: grow
Where Under The DaVinci Sun (aka It’ly!?! Who’s in It’ly?!?) Revolutionary Email Haiku
I’ve watched her grow,up,/
spread her wings, fly, fly away!/
Can she suggest where?
My Daughter’s Pain Growth: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
I hear my girl’s pain./
I caused it. I hope she can/
heal, forgive, reach, grow.
There’s Not Just One Right Way: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
When we understand/
that there’s not always just one/
“right way”, we can grow.
Replicate Like Willows: Revolutionary Email Free Verse Poem
As the willows replicate,/
so do I, /
expanding my reach/
as I bow into/
and to/
the Living Water.
In Defense Of Eyebrow-Raising Poems: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Eyebrow-raising poems/
aren’t evil. They prompt us to/
think, explore, and grow.
Not Hard Swiss Chard: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku

It was not hard to/
grow Swiss chard, so why did I/
delay the harvest?
Unknown Culinary Delight
Who knew, as the chard/
grew, what boiling, olive oil,/
lime and herbs would do?
I Could Yodel, It’s Sooooo GOOD!
Italian herbs and/
seasonings meet Swiss chard for/
a Alpine taste treat!
She’d Never Had Before
At 84, she’d/
never had Swiss chard before./
But now, she wants more.