God’s Hand In Nature: Haiku Retort

An Instagram post: “She was a fool, and so am I, and so is anyone who thinks he sees what God is Doing, [writes Bokonon]” #Kurtvonnegut #catscradle
My retort:

To see, in Nature,
God’s Hand, is high gratitude*.
To understand? Grace.

*just means you’re grateful.

Psalm of David: Sadness and Gratitude

In the days of my sorrow,
let me recall what great blessing
The LORD hath bestowed
upon me and my house.

Let me count those gifts,
the peaceable things
which He in His mercy
has given me.

Let my heart from then on
be no more sorrowed or worried.
Let my soul not lie down in sadness,
but instead let me rise up in joy and rejoicing.

Let me praise
the goodness and mercy
of God and His Son,
that I may be a glad
and a profitable servant.

Let me be found worthy
to be welcomed into Their Kingdom,
both down here on earth,
and in Their eternal realms, for forever.

Enumerate Thanks Haiku

There are times when I’m/
So grateful that I just can’t /
enumerate thanks.

Looking West Reframe: Rhyming Haiku of Gratitude

Vashon Island Sunset flying into Seattle with Olympic Mountains in the BackgroundEach day we breathe in/
a new sunset is one more/
we’re glad just to get.

Backstory: My friend Erin Harold, who is struggling (but winning) against the Covid-19 Coronavirus, posted a sunset photo from her Seattle home, with one word: Grateful”.
This haiku honors her gratitude. (This sunset photo is out my plane window flying over Vashon Island into Seattle, November 2019)