I’d never before/
gazed into the face of a/
Goddess. Now I have.
Tag Archives: gaze
When I Gaze At Fire: Romantic Blogging Poem
When I gaze at her/
and dream,/
do I become/
as every other one/
who has ever looked/
in rapt admiration,/
mouth agape,/
trying to quell/
unexpected fire?/
Or am I one/
who can look to the fire,/
feel the heat,/
imagine the flame,/
and, still,/
not get burned?
Fear Falling Failing: Revolutionary IMprov Rhyming Haiku
To stand on cliffs, gaze/
at the abyss, fear falling /
is foolish failing.
Stand on cliffs! Gaze at/
the abyss! To fear falling /
is foolish failing.
Blocking My View: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
I recall when we /
lay gazing at the full moon./
Then she blocked my view.
Looking Out: Romantic IMprov Haiku
She gazed through blue* eyes, /
seeking her future. He reached/
out for her next week.
Who’s His Muse: Romantic ImproVerse Rhyming Poem
She gazed into her mirror,/
but still never knew/
she was the muse/
he was referring to.
How Other’s See Us: Revolutionary IMprov Rhyming Haiku
Sometimes we must gaze/
through another’s lens to see/
our own true beauty.