Control Choice Haiku

You can control your/
 life, or be controlled by it. /
Either is your choice.

I Was Enslaved, But I’m Breaking Those Chains: Free Verse Poetry

I don’t pretend to know
what it felt like,
back then,
to be enslaved,
held captive,
or worse.

I don’t pretend to feel
what it felt like
to have the chains
to have the bands
or to escape,
following the drinking gourd,
walking with dry feet
through the Red Sea,
to have the locks broken
on Dachau’s gates,
to sign my sacred honor to a Declaration.
I do not know the feelings of these,
or any other,

I do not know that enslavement.

But I do know how my mind,
my heart,
my soul
has been enslaved
by self doubt,
by fear,
by Angst.
I have felt those shackles,
those binding chains,
the tyranny of my own mind
that held me fast to falsehoods
and stole my freedom.

Now I know, too,
what it feels like
to be set free,
to have chains of sin loosed,
to have the yoke of self-doubt broke,
to have a partner and guide
help me
as I move
towards freedom.

Inspired by the writings of Marnie Kuhns, essay on Personal Freedom

Lightening Fast Honkers: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku

Geese fly fast in the/
howling lightning storm, honking/
power and freedom.

Geese flying into/
the teeth of a lightning storm/
look free and … (no words).

Geese fly into the/
howling teeth of a lightning /
storm. Power. Freedom.