The Writer’s Drive, Or Not: Blogging Free Verse

I’m certain there is
much to say,
deep thoughts to share,
intelligent insights to expose
and uncover.

Right now,
I don’t know what they are,
I don’t know where they are,
and I don’t know
if I want to even find them.

We’re So Connected, We’re Not: Lament

Instead of scenic views and observations,

we watch reels.

Instead of conversations:

“Look at this.”

Instead of asking and learning:
“Google it.”
No wonder we’re so disconnected
from each other:
We’re too connected
to our devices.
But at least with GPS
men can get directions
without asking anyone.

Mocking Nature’s Guy: Free Verse

“The people shall mock me,
and laugh me to scorn”  I said,
“for I am older
but don’t necessarily
have the wisdom others do.”

When God keeps giving you* messages,
even posting them on your giant TV screen,
as well as embedding
them deep in your heart,
maybe you should listen.

substitute “me”, “my”, and “I” for “you” and “your”

I Was Enslaved, But I’m Breaking Those Chains: Free Verse Poetry

I don’t pretend to know
what it felt like,
back then,
to be enslaved,
held captive,
or worse.

I don’t pretend to feel
what it felt like
to have the chains
to have the bands
or to escape,
following the drinking gourd,
walking with dry feet
through the Red Sea,
to have the locks broken
on Dachau’s gates,
to sign my sacred honor to a Declaration.
I do not know the feelings of these,
or any other,

I do not know that enslavement.

But I do know how my mind,
my heart,
my soul
has been enslaved
by self doubt,
by fear,
by Angst.
I have felt those shackles,
those binding chains,
the tyranny of my own mind
that held me fast to falsehoods
and stole my freedom.

Now I know, too,
what it feels like
to be set free,
to have chains of sin loosed,
to have the yoke of self-doubt broke,
to have a partner and guide
help me
as I move
towards freedom.

Inspired by the writings of Marnie Kuhns, essay on Personal Freedom

A Patriot’s Independence Day Thoughts: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Prose

On being a patriot: #Patriot #IndependenceDay #Covid19 #BLM #Protests #4thofJuly #GodBlessAmerica #Patriotism #USA #IStand — July 4th, 2020 felt different than any I remember in over 60 years. I wrote this to my children:

‘As you know, the Fourth of July has always been one of my favorite holidays. It’s been a time of joy, reflection, gratitude for the great land we live in and the #freedoms we’ve been given. July 4th has been a day of happiness and fun.

This year is a little different. Make no mistake, I am eternally and extremely grateful for the freedoms which we have. But this year those freedoms seem a little bit more tenuous. It seems that there is a specter, a cloud of darkness hanging over our land. And I don’t know what to do about it. Should I protest? Should I protest against the protesters?
But I do know this: That patriotism which filled my heart in previous years still burns just as bright. The difference is there is a resolve, a commitment to defend the land I love, the Country I love the freedoms we enjoy.
I always thought the attack on our country and our way of life would come from outside our borders. Now, I’m not so sure. But I will stand up for the #Constitution, for our freedoms, for our rights as humans and as citizens of this great country. I am filled with that resolve and that commitment.
 God, Bless America. Please. And I hope you are all praying the same prayer. Love, Dad”
After I sent that message, my youngest son reminded me that, what I need to stand up for most of all is #Freedom. Since then, I’ve thought much more about my responsibility as a Patriot. Part of me wants to disenage from social media, from the anger, from the arguements, from the criticism from others who don’t know me, from the verbal hate and violence. But part of me says that I need to stand up and be a voice. I need to express what I believe. I can no longer be silent. 
So I will. It will be a fine line. I will try to be kind. That is what is in my heart. But I will stand my ground. I won’t back down. I will discuss, debate, and — hopefully — I will compromise on attitudes and functionality. I will learn. I will be taught. Hopefully I will teach, too. But I won’t be silent. And I won’t back down from the ultimate moral truths that God has endowed us with.
I feel a little bit like the great American patriot Patrick Henry, who said:

“Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason toward my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.”

― Patrick Henry

Where My Creative Passion Goes: Free Verse

Each day
I read,
get aroused
or excited
or perplexed
or disgusted
or saddened,
and I write.

I shout
to the wind,
to the sun,
to the moon,

I scream
to the woods
and fields
and lakes
and creeks.

I think
and express it,
as though my words
and thoughts
might actually
be read,
might actually
make a difference.

Who am I fooling?

Social media
is not my pulpit.
It is not my op-ed page.
It is a place
for me to respond,
and write

It is a waste of my time,
my talent,
what I’m blessed with.

I need to change.

Taking Baby Giant Steps: I Write

We all take steps.

Take Steps: A baby taking her first steps reminds us to take steps
Some make powerful,
baby steps.
As my granddaughter
took her first shaky steps,
my son voiced for her,
(shaky home video,)
her force and determination.
“I’m a walker now.
I walk.”
I watched those steps.
through his voice,
I heard
and realized
my own truth.
“I’m a writer now.
 I write.”
Some make powerful,
life-changing steps.
We all take steps.

Embarassed In Patriotic Prayer: Improv Free Verse

as I prayed,
and thanked God
for the Liberties that we have,
in this free and blessed land,
in my mind,
I saw all these Patriots,
young men and young women:
the Revolutionary War,
the Civil War,
the World Wars,
all the wars;
men and women
with body parts
blown apart,
some of them
into pink clouds,
laying down their lives
for the freedom
which we enjoy.

I realized,
at that moment,
how rarely I thank God
for their sacrifices.

I was ashamed to know
I did not,
have not,
and sometimes still
do not
bend my knees
and bow my head
every morning
and every evening
in gratitude for them
and their sacrifices,
and from the bottom of my soul
thank Him for them,
these young men and young women
who don’t even know me,
who died just because
they were doing their Duty.

In shame and anguish
I wept,
and I wished to God
that He could call a great convention
of those Heroes,
gather them all together
and announce,
in a voice of thunder,
from His Holy Throne:
“Dave Kuhns is sorry
that he was a schmuck,
that he had forgotten
to thank them.”

I don’t know
that they will ever know,
from the depths of my heart,
how much honor
and respect
and appreciation
that I have for them,
as I look out on my land,
my free land,
and for the liberties
and the bounties
that I have here.

I have never said
“Thank you!”
to that vast and gallant throng,
but now,
weeping in shame and gratitude
I bow my head,
and beg forgiveness
for me overlooking them,
and tell those valiant Patriots:
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!”