Tag Archives: free verse
The Writer’s Drive, Or Not: Blogging Free Verse
I’m certain there is
much to say,
deep thoughts to share,
intelligent insights to expose
and uncover.
Right now,
I don’t know what they are,
I don’t know where they are,
and I don’t know
if I want to even find them.
We’re So Connected, We’re Not: Lament
Instead of scenic views and observations,
we watch reels.
Instead of conversations:
“Look at this.”
Listen To What The Farmer Tells You No — No Excuses: IMprov Free Verse
When a farmer
tells you “No”,
accept what they say.
Don’t give reasons why,
or why not,
or why they should,
or should not.
Don’t make excuses.
Just listen
and learn.
(Especially if
it’s the farmer’s land.)
Generation Gap Agency Free Verse
No matter how much
a parent tries,
they cannot
bridge the gap
of independence,
and choice.
I Was Enslaved, But I’m Breaking Those Chains: Free Verse Poetry
I don’t pretend to know
what it felt like,
back then,
to be enslaved,
held captive,
or worse.
I don’t pretend to feel
what it felt like
to have the chains
to have the bands
or to escape,
following the drinking gourd,
walking with dry feet
through the Red Sea,
to have the locks broken
on Dachau’s gates,
to sign my sacred honor to a Declaration.
I do not know the feelings of these,
or any other,
I do not know that enslavement.
But I do know how my mind,
my heart,
my soul
has been enslaved
by self doubt,
by fear,
by Angst.
I have felt those shackles,
those binding chains,
the tyranny of my own mind
that held me fast to falsehoods
and stole my freedom.
Now I know, too,
what it feels like
to be set free,
to have chains of sin loosed,
to have the yoke of self-doubt broke,
to have a partner and guide
help me
as I move
towards freedom.
Inspired by the writings of Marnie Kuhns, FrontPorchSense.com essay on Personal Freedom
Where My Creative Passion Goes: Free Verse
Each day
I read,
get aroused
or excited
or perplexed
or disgusted
or saddened,
and I write.
I shout
to the wind,
to the sun,
to the moon,
I scream
to the woods
and fields
and lakes
and creeks.
I think
and express it,
as though my words
and thoughts
might actually
be read,
might actually
make a difference.
Who am I fooling?
Social media
is not my pulpit.
It is not my op-ed page.
It is a place
for me to respond,
and write
It is a waste of my time,
my talent,
what I’m blessed with.
I need to change.
Taking Baby Giant Steps: I Write
We all take steps.

my son voiced for her,
I walk.”