Taking Baby Giant Steps: I Write

We all take steps.

Take Steps: A baby taking her first steps reminds us to take steps
Some make powerful,
baby steps.
As my granddaughter
took her first shaky steps,
my son voiced for her,
(shaky home video,)
her force and determination.
“I’m a walker now.
I walk.”
I watched those steps.
through his voice,
I heard
and realized
my own truth.
“I’m a writer now.
 I write.”
Some make powerful,
life-changing steps.
We all take steps.

This Fits To A T: Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse Poetry

You were the mother
of my escape,
of the start
of the birth
of my
(as yet unfinished)
self-discovery journey.

It was you
who set my feet on the path
that opened up my soul
and my heart
and my mind
to what could be
and should be
and now,