The Constancy Of Wild Geese: Revolutionary Email Free Verse Poetry

My family always
calls each other,
twice a year:
“The wild geese are flying!”

“I’ll be right there!”
We grab cups of coffee,
throw on layers,
and brisk walk to the lake.

Ice, black and mottled,
or silver and new,
covers the bays
and inlets,
but, somewhere,
waves are breaking through.
There is open water.

From far away,
carried on cold breezes
which sting our ears
and tear our eyes,
we hear the familiar call.

“HuhUUuh. HuhUUuh.”
We peer out over the lake,
until we see them,
the familiar V
cutting through the wind.

And we laugh,
and jump up and down,
and wave,
and cry.

I’ve wondered why
it stirs us;
why we always
run to see them,
as certainly as they

Do they look for us,
standing on the shore,

Does the dip of their wings
as they land,
one after the other,
say to us
“Hello, old friends,
Good to see you.
Thanks for the welcome.
Your clothes never match,
but they make us laugh!
HuuuUHH. HuuuUHH!”

Probably not.

But we can pretend.

Maybe we run
and listen
and search
and watch
because they remind us
of our place.

We join with them
in the great globe,
returning again
and again
and again.

They take away
our winter fears.
Steel us against the
or soar
our spirits
with promise
and hope
and upcoming

As long as they fly,
life goes on
as it has,
as it will,
as it should.

We can
and will
to spread our wings,
to fly,
to run,
to call,
to wave,
to cry,
to laugh,
to believe,
to know our place
in things,
as long as there is
the constancy
of wild geese.

There Is No Room For Heavenly Peace: Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse Poetic Lament

Cleaning house
in service
for those who can’t
or won’t,
I play an old tape.

Hell yeah!
It’s Mahalia
Sleep in Heavenly Peace.

I can’t contain
the torrent of tears
as I clean
even more earnestly
because that’s all I can do now.
Now that I’ve left.
Now that I’ve ripped
lives apart.

This used to be
my city,
my town,
my house,
my family,
my life.

This music brought joy
down the stairs.
I have tapes.
I have videos.

This used to be everything
I lived for.
But now,
I’m cleaning the living room,
there is no room.

Who To Cut From Your Roster: Romantic ConTEXTing Rhyming Poem

Since your parents,
are family,
you can’t lose them,
so it’s logical
to dump me.

I thought that I
was more support than that
but you sleep with your dog,
and can’t kick a cat.

So without a doubt,
I’m the one that should be left out.
And so again,
I am.

Who To Cut From Your Roster: Romantic ConTEXTing Rhyming Poem

Since your parents,
are family,
you can’t lose them,
so it’s logical
to dump me.

I thought that I
was more support than that
but you sleep with your dog,
and can’t kick a cat.

So without a doubt,
I’m the one that should be left out.
And so again,
I am.