Sunrise and Family History stories and glories at the Tucson LDS Temple

Bridging The Family History Generational Gap: Arizona Temple Work For My German Ancestors

Arizona Temple And Bavarian Family History: An Overview

Family History plays a vital role in understanding who I am. As I learn more about my roots, I begin to see my place in Heavenly Father and Jesus’s eternal plan of happiness. More importantly, I believe I call down the blessings of heaven as I serve those ancestors who have gone before me. During my January-February 2025 trip to Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona, to visit family and take care of my aging Dad, I had the opportunity to serve my ancestors and understand my family history in a much deeper way. This blog post will discuss in depth what I experienced and learned.

Summary of my Arizona Temple and Family History Experiences

Marnie and Dave at the Tucson LDS Temple

In mid-February I wrote this brief Facebook summary of my trip: “During the last several weeks that I’ve been in Arizona, I’ve had the opportunity to go to the #HouseOfTheLord at the Tucson, Mesa, and Gilbert LDS Temples. Because of where my dad is staying in Tucson, and where my sisters and son and grandchildren live, and where my cousin’s house is in Tucson (where I stayed from January 11 to February 15,) I was able to visit a Temple probably on an average of a little bit over once a day every day during the 30 plus days I was in Arizona. That’s significantly different than driving 2 1/2 hours to go to the Atlanta Temple or almost 3 hours to go to the Nashville Temple from our home in Chattanooga, Tennessee!

A few of the family history / relative / ancestor names I did proxy temple work for at the Tucson, Mesa, and Gilbert (Arizona) LDS temples, Jan-Feb, 2025

During that time I was able to do (at least) 94 temple ordinances for my direct line ancestors, nearly all of whom came from the Falkenburg area of Bavaria, Germany.

I’d discovered them on our European family history research trip in October, 2024, thanks to the guidance of my father Gene L. Kuhns, and the help of so many others. There are tons of miracles that happened and an amazing number of experiences, and I will write more about them all later, but I wanted to do a placeholder and at least express my gratitude and amazement for all the help received. #familyhistory #FamilySearch #templework“.

Understanding Heavenly Father’s Plan Of Happiness

Central to understanding WHY I do family history and temple work for my ancestors is an understanding of the nature of who we are as humans. Revealed truths teach us that we are each eternal children of our Heavenly Father, and brothers and sisters with each other and with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We existed before we came to this world. God and Jesus created this world for us to live on and to show we could be obedient to commandments, so we could return and live with Them and our families for forever. And we continue to exist and can continue to progress after we die.

Heavenly Father set up rules, acts, and covenants – such as baptism and marriage – that we each must agree to and do. But what of those people who never get the chance to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, get baptized, married, etc.? Revealed truths teach us that those who die without an understanding of the Gospel will get the chance to be taught Christ’s doctrines of salvation and exaltation.

Connecting Through Temple Work

For members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, such as myself, family history research is connected to temple ordinance work. In sacred temples throughout the world, we are able to do proxy work – such as the baptisms for the dead mentioned by the Apostle Paul in the Bible’s New Testament, — individual sacred Priesthood ordinances, and binding couples and families together for forever, in sacred marriage ceremonies. In this way, those who accept Christ’s Gospel – even those who have passed on — can have the saving ordinances done for them. Then, they have the CHOICE to accept Christ, His Gospel and saving ordinances, even though they are on “the other side of the veil.”

(More about Heavenly Father’s Plan of Happiness can be learned from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Since each of these are done by proxy, individually, family history temple work requires that each individual ancestor be researched, and as much data collected as possible, so the person is as unique in ancestral data records and temple work as they were in real life. Then, temple work and ordinances are done for that individual.

Important Dates And Family History Timelines: Wisconsin, Bavaria, and Arizona

Here’s a chronological overview of Wisconsin, Bavaria, and Arizona family history research and temple experience:

  • 1500s-1840s: Kunz, Mark, Vollath, Härtl, Schneider, Kraft, and other ancestors lived in and near Markt Falkenberg, Kreis Tirschenreuth, Oberpfalz, Bavaria, Germany
  • 1840 Johan Kunz, his wife Viktoria Mark, and their children, including my grandfather’s great-grandfather Eugene, immigrated from Falkenberg, Kreis Tirschenreuth, Oberpfalz, Bavaria, Germany, to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, finally settling in Hartford, Washington County, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Our last name was changed to KUHNS or KUNTZ. The Kunz and Mark parents and siblings stayed in Bavaria
  • 1860s-late 1900s. As time passed, connection between the immigrants and their Vaterland was lost
  • 1970 in Milwaukee, I started family history research, trying to figure out where in Germany the KUHNS/KUNZ line came from. I searched in vain for decades
  • 2015-2019: Through a series of miracles (which I’ll discuss elsewhere), I “found” that the KUNZ line came from Falkenberg, Tirschenreuth, Bayern. I even discovered the KUNZ family home!
  • 2019: I learned of MARK and VOLLATH family relatives from Falkenberg, and got in touch with them. When my 90-year-old Dad learned that I’d made these family connections, he encouraged me to go to Bavaria. Then Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine hit, and my wife Marnie and I put our travel plans on hold
  • October, 2024: We finally made the trip to Falkenberg, where we not only met relatives we’d connected with before and visited the home Johan Kunz and Viktoria Mark Kunz and their kids had left from, but we also visited several other family farm homes – including the ancestral property (and newly-discovered relatives!) of the KUNZ family
  • December, 2024: My Dad leaves his home in Wisconsin for his annual snowbird visit to my sister in Phoenix. My wife and I plan on picking him up in late February, as we visit my son nearby, then take him in March to Seattle to stay with my brother
  • Early January 2025: Dad gets weaker and sicker, finally going into the hospital, where he is diagnosed with sepsis, UTI, and other problems. From this Phoenix hospital, he goes into rehab
  • Mid-January: I change my plans to go to Phoenix alone on January 13th, then change them again and fly out after a major Georgia snowstorm on January 11th to help with (maybe) final arrangements for Dad
  • Mid-January: My sister and I do a “jail break” with Dad to get him out of the rehab center he hated, and down to an assisted living group home owned and managed by my niece and her family. Dad is surrounded by family and starts getting better
  • I stay at my cousin’s home in Tucson, 20 minutes away from where Dad is, and 10 minutes away from the Tucson LDS Temple!
  • Dad sleeps and recovers a lot. During that time, I take the opportunity to “hang out”, get my mind and spirit clear, and do proxy work for my ancestors, at the Tucson temple
  • I also get to visit my grandkids and other family in the Phoenix area, where I get the chance to attend the Gilbert and Mesa temples
  • February 7: Marnie flies to Phoenix. We spend our anniversary and Valentines Day in Phoenix and Tucson, doing a LOT more temple work
  • February 15: After a hectic day hectic Valentine’s Day and a nice morning in the Tucson temple wrapping up a lot of family ordinances, especially eternal family sealings, Marnie and I say goodbye to Dad and head back home to Georgia

Hopefully this helps put into context what happened during my Tucson trip!

The Underlying Bavarian Inspirational Story About My Family History

As I went to the Temple(s), the story I told over and over again was how the KUNZ family history records came into my hands in the first place. In telling the story, I realized what a miracle it was. I’ve told it elsewhere, but I’ll summarize, because it became such a driving force in why I felt compelled to do the KUNZ family history temple work in the first place.

In October, Marnie and I were blessed to go to Bavaria (Germany), Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Lichtenstein and Switzerland on a Family History research trip. Marnie gives details in her blog at Read about the setup, preparations, and discoveries about my Wisconsin and Bavarian roots that led to the trip.

The first long stop on the trip was at the small village of Falkenberg, Kreis Tirschenreuth, Oberpfalz, Bavaria, Germany, about two hours north of Munich and two hours west of Prague. There, we met my fourth cousin, Gerhard Rasp, who has done A LOT of research on the Familie Mark and Vollath lines, through which we are connected.

With Gerhard and his wife and son, we met the village historian, Helmut Köstler, who researched with us the Falkenberg Catholic Church records and other on-line records. In addition, he’d prepared a LOT of information for me not only on the MARK and VOLLATH lines, but also on the KUNZ line. In fact, there was SO MUCH information that I felt like I was drinking from a fire hose. I just could not comprehend it all. I decided I would look at the information in depth when I returned home to Georgia. (Fortunately for me, Marnie documented each day as it happened. One of my favorite days was when we met “the Keeper of the Scrolls“.)

When Ancestors and Heavenly Father Are Your Alarm Clock

After a couple of days driving around looking at ancestral sights, including where the KUNZ family immigrated from and the farm where Viktoria Mark was probably born, it was finally time to continue our trip. We settled in for our last night in Falkenberg, determined to get an early start northwards to western Poland, birthplace of my Dad’s “Grannie Geerdts”.

This is where the miracle really gets interesting. At about 4 a.m., I was awakened with the strong impression: “You must look at the information Herr Köstler prepared for you, NOW!” I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep. “You can NOT wait! Get up and look!” Finally, realizing there would be no rest, I got up, went into the living room, got out the pile of paperwork, and sleepily started looking through it.

I was stunned. There, right in front of my face, was the KUNZ line, including my ancestors who’d immigrated to Wisconsin in 1840. More importantly, the line of their relatives who’d stayed in Falkenberg carried forward. Unbelievable! Sleep fled from me as I realized that he’d put down the names of LIVING RELATIVES! We’d passed by the “old KUNZ farm” earlier, but it was just a plot of land and a barn. Now I realized that, next door, was a LIVING relative!

Meeting Living Relatives and Getting More Information

The story of meeting Monika Fischer and Agnes Kunz (indeed, the entire Falkenberg part of the trip) is shown and told elsewhere; I’m grateful that Marnie captured the video(s) and wrote about each day as it happened in her blog. Meeting the Kunz relatives, in and of itself, was a miracle. But here’s where the miracle connects to Family History.

Kunz/Kraft Familie aus Falkenberg, Tirschenreuth, Oberpfalz, Bayern, Deutschland, Stammbaum

As we met with them, they showed me “something (I) might be interested in”: A Stammbaum (pedigree chart) made in the early 1940s by the village priest (revealed at 1:46 in this video). To my amazement, it showed the “Stammbaum der Familie Kunz (Schneiderhansgirg), von Falkenberg: Kunz, Wolfgang, Schneidermeister, Falkenberg *1623   +29.09.1701   Married 26.11.1657 to Kraft, Katarina (from Falkenberg) +28.12.1681. My KUNZ name line back into the early 1600s!

To remind you of the context of this: As a young teenager, I used to take the bus for nearly an hour to do research at the Milwaukee County Historical Society, searching through records, trying to find where my KUHNS family came from. All I ever found were the records of my grandfather’s grandfather, and his birthplace: “Germany”. Now, over a half century later, I not only was on my ancestral property, but I was looking at a hand-written chart that took my line back to my 7th great-grandparents!

Had I not been awakened at 4 a.m., I would have never met my relatives, and this entire line of Kunz family would have stayed on a bookshelf somewhere. (As you’ll see, this plays an important role later in my Arizona temple trip).

Ancestral Discoveries in the Freiberg, Germany, LDS Temple

As another spiritual precursor to what happened later in Arizona, I need to explain what I learned as I did temple work (specifically, the Endowment, explained here at the LDS Church’s website) for a German ancestor in the Freiberg, Germany Temple. It struck me, as I was attending that Temple, that it was a miracle I was doing Temple work, by proxy, for an ancestor who had lived – in the 17th Century — less than two hours’ auto drive away from the Temple!

In Freiberg, I decided to go through the Endowment session in German, his native language. I was glad I did. It focused my attention much more, and made me feel as though I was really going through as a proxy for him. In the Temple, we make promises with God, offer prayers, and learn. One of the most important feelings I had, as proxy, was the understanding that any plea offered for his posterity was, in fact, a prayer for me! As a descendant, I was the focus of his desire that I be blessed! As I learned that truth, I wept. (As you’ll see, that will happen a lot!) I’d never thought of those promises and prayers before, and it changed the way I approached being a proxy and doing temple work for my ancestors.

Tucson Temple Family History Miracles

Tucson Arizona LDS Temple -- outside in the native plant garden, Jan-Feb. 2025 after doing family history temple work

All these Wisconsin and German experiences researching and generating family history, meeting family members, and doing sacred proxy work in the Temple(s) led to what I experienced in January and February in Arizona. During the time I was attending the Tucson (and other) Temples, I had numerous insightful and spiritual experiences that taught me truths, gave me insights about myself and my family, and have changed me for forever. Here are a few. (Please note that I tend to be a very joyful and emotional man. In relating any of these experiences, I do not want to diminish or make light of the sacredness of the Temple, or the connection I feel to my immediate or distant family. In fact, my desire is just the opposite: I believe our connection with Heavenly Father, our Savior Jesus Christ, and our ancestors – no matter how “far back” they go, can and should be sacred, personal experiences unique to each one of them, and each one of us.)

Ancestral Agency: The Freedom of Choice

Learning about the Temple doesn’t always mean learning AT the Temple. In fact, my cousin Jon helped me understand a concept of agency and freedom of choice in a way I’d never understood before.

Staying at my cousin Jon and his wife Linda’s place near Skyline Drive in Tucson meant the Tucson Temple was less than ten minutes away, and a third of the way to where my father was staying. This meant that every morning and every evening, as I went to Dad’s or came “home”, I would pass the Temple. Because my father was weak, he didn’t wake up very early. Then he often would talk to me or eat with me, and then tell me he wanted to sleep for awhile. And curfew at his place was fairly early as well. This gave me A LOT of opportunities to attend the Temple. In fact, sometimes my schedule was: Get up, go to the Temple, eat breakfast with Dad, write while he slept, eat lunch with or talk with Dad, go to the Temple while he slept, eat dinner or talk with Dad, then go back to the Temple on the way home for the evening. (Usually I went twice a day).

One evening I was talking with Jon and Linda about how the day went. Jon asked what I did when Dad was resting. I replied, somewhat glibly, “Oh, you know, I write, or go hang out at the Temple.” (I’d never said it quite that way before, and as soon as I said it, I didn’t like it.) He smiled and asked: “So, what does it mean to “hang out?” Then he laughed and added: “Is that where you all go to drink and smoke and do all the other things you don’t do otherwise?” (He was kidding).

I laughed and explained that we perform sacred ordinances, by proxy, for our ancestors. I pointed out that the Apostle Paul, in the New Testament, mentions this when he talks about baptisms for the dead. Then I said: “They, of course, have a choice to accept the work we do for them.” This seemed like a new concept to him, so he repeated it: “So, if you do work for an ancestor, they still can choose to accept it or not?”

Startled, I replied: “Yes! One of Heavenly Father and Jesus’s core values is that everyone has their agency, the freedom to choose.” At that moment I realized, that is nowhere truer than in the Temple. As much as we HOPE our ancestors will choose to accept the gift we give them, the proxy work we do for them, the offering we make so they can have the choice, it is STILL THEIR CHOICE!

Jon and Linda nodded and said “That’s good.” Then I said: “Plus, being in the Temple, you know, is a time of meditation, reflection, a time of connecting and recentering me. Because watching Dad go through rehab and hospice and everything else is tough and draining. And I need that time.”

Having just dealt with the same thing with Jon’s mother, my saintly Aunt Kate, they totally understood that part of Temple worship as well.

Recentering, reconnecting, and freedom of choice. Valuable Temple lessons learned in an unexpected place.

Endowment of Power By Proxy: A Deeper Understanding

Early on in my Arizona Temple experience, I gained a deeper understanding of what the blessings of the Temple mean for our ancestors and relatives who have passed on. As we are baptized, receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost, become Endowed, and do other sacred ordinances for them, by proxy, THEY (if they choose) get those blessings, just as much as if they were still alive here on the earth.

Growing up in the Church, there seemed to be much more of a distinction and separation between those of us still alive on the Earth, and those who have passed on (in LDS jargon, gone “on the other side of the veil.”) President Russell M. Nelson, Prophet and President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has repeatedly called for us to refocus our efforts, to “Gather Israel on BOTH sides of the veil.” Clearly, to him (and to the Lord), there is not a lot of difference where someone learns and accepts the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and has the sacred ordinances and covenants of salvation done.

This was taught to me strongly by my wife Marnie. Her beloved uncle recently passed away, leaving no offspring. As a result, Marnie, her siblings, and her cousins, were his heirs. He was a good man, kind, funny, clever, and interesting, and he and I had a lot of fun chatting together. We never brought up the Church, though.

At the Gilbert Temple, doing Marnie's relative's work

After he passed away last December, Marnie had the distinct impression that he wanted and needed his Temple work done for him. As part of the protocol for the Church, the next nearest living relative has to be contacted and give permission for the Temple work to be done. Marnie’s father is his next of kin; he gave permission. When Marnie called me and told me that, I pushed back and said “Why don’t we wait until we can do the work in the Nashville Temple, since he lived in Tennessee his whole life?” She very forcefully responded: “No, he needs to be endowed with power NOW. There [are things] he needs to do, and wants to do, and his work needs to be done.”

That was really the first time I’d thought of those who have passed on as being anxious to have their temple work done, so they would have more power and strength to do their angelic ministry. But it makes sense. I’ve come to understand that our ancestors WANT to help us. They are WILLING to help us. They can request to help us (I mean, who more logical to be our “guardian angels” than our ancestors?). If you were an angel, wouldn’t you want as much of God and Jesus’s power as you could get? We learn that the Endowment is a GIFT from our Heavenly Father, giving us (endowing us) with sacred and righteous power and strength. If that’s true here on earth, why wouldn’t it be true for those on the other side of the veil? This was a new concept for me, but “feels really true!”

Interestingly, a friend of mine posted on Facebook a few days later about the thoughts he had on the same subject, and things he’s learning being a Temple worker. I quote him here with permission:
“Recently, I was called to work in the temple. As I pondered about the thousands of disembodied people who are having their work done every week, I can’t help feeling that the armies of heaven are growing exponentially. Think on this: Previously these people were in spirit prison or paradise and had limited influence on the work. But as their work is being done in the House of the Lord, they are now endowed with priesthood power. Think of the influence they now have upon the work on both sides of the veil. I think one of the reasons we are going to see growth in the Church and miracles increase all around is because there are increasing armies of angels at the waiting to do the Lord’s will and influence current events.”

I responded: “This is so interesting that you articulated this thought. I have been down in Tucson for the last three weeks and have been able to attend the temple one to three times, either in Tucson, Gilbert, or Mesa, every day. All of the work I’ve been doing has been for my ancestors, most of whom I discovered on a family history trip this last October to Bavaria. And Marnie and I have had the exact same thought, especially about our ancestors: As we do their work, they are surrounding us more and more, protecting us more and more, and they’re now endowed with priesthood power, as a gift from our Savior. And I feel it more and more, directly, because I am their posterity! I can’t tell you how many times recently I’ve been moved to tears because of this realization.”

I will say that I felt (and heard in my mind) “Uncle Donald” as I did his work for him. He was and is a very curious person, and I could feel him wanting to know more and more about how things are done, and why.

And then there’s Marnie’s story about how he “got the best part of this deal!”

Ride of The Kunz Ancestors as My Dad Faces His Mortality

As I connected the concept of these angelic powerhouses, I realized that the Kunz, Mark, Vollath, Kraft, and Härtl families – and others – that I was doing the temple work for, are keenly aware of my father’s role in getting us to Germany, his enthusiasm for our family history trip, his tremendous desire to discover his roots, and his excitement and joy as we not only discovered their old homes, but also met living relatives. In fact, each time I would go to the Temple and do work for one of those ancestors, I would return and report to him what I’d done. Then I’d say, in all sincerity and honesty, “Dad, know that they are GRATEFUL for what you did. YOU did that! You helped discover them.” And he would smile and say, “Well, good, I’m glad.” But I believe he felt their gratitude and was moved.

Not only is the Kunz / Mark familes grateful for what Dad did, I got the sense that they are keenly aware of his situation, how tired and in pain he is. I’ve long known that Dad, when he passed away, would be met by his sweetheart Anny Baby; by his parents; by his sister, my sweet Aunt Kate; and by other relatives and friends he knew growing up.

At the temples, as I did this work for our ancestors, I got the very real sense that the hearts of the fathers have turned to the children, especially to my Dad. Not only are they anxious to meet him, and express their gratitude, when the time comes, but I got the feeling they would be almost like shield bearers. Wagnerian visions played out in my mind, (and my eyes welled with tears) as I saw in my mind these ancestors soon coming to greet my Dad, thank him for his work, and escort him home. Honor guards of ancestors.

Guardian Angels Will Guard Us Because They Know Us!

This concept of giving our ancestors additional Priesthood power, I believe, could have more far-reaching impacts than we might realize. As I thought about my ancestors, I could feel how grateful they are to have that deeper, broader angelic power. Just like my friend said in his post, I realized that these relatives had been somewhat limited, before, in what they could do for us.

Cowboy Art and CyranoWriter Dave after doing sealings at the Tucson Arizona LDS Temple, January 2025

I have another friend who joined me at the temple. The day before we went together to do some sealings, he told me “You know, I think the reason I’m even in the Church is because I need to do Temple work for my family.” I wonder if he, too, is feeling the desire to have angels protect him and his family. (Interestingly, as we were doing sealings the next day, the person who was officiating was an old friend of his. He was so excited to see him; I had to laugh as they recalled how they’d worked together to fix a car back in the day!)

As I pondered even more about the influence of those who have gone before us, I felt and saw in my heart and mind that these angelic relatives now have God and Jesus’s power, priesthood power, to protect our family, our kids and grandkids.

As my wife has often said of her angelic mother, a stalwart and faithful endowed member of the Church who passed away a few months before I met Marnie: “I kept getting the impression: ‘Your life is about to get amazing with this new and powerful angel on your side!’”

In thinking about my ancestors, I also thought of the prayer and protective bubble we’ve felt is over our property. We try to live worthy of Heavenly Father and Jesus’s protection of Spirit Tree Farms, where we live. As I thought of how those ancestors would protect my Dad’s family, my family, including my children, grandchildren, and siblings, a new concept and vision came into my mind. They will not only protect their decedents, but also, they will protect the land, and all who are on it.

In my mind, I saw them standing as guardians and sentinels on the ramparts of our property. No matter how many hoards of ill-doers would come toward us, I saw them standing, almost as the statues of the great kings in Lord of the Rings (or the Black Knight in Monty Python / Holy Grail). I imagined them standing firm as, in the winding up scenes, some might try to come and do us harm. Those bad guys get to our property, and my ancestors are there.

“None shall pass.”


“Pity the fool!”

It gives me great comfort to have that connection with my ancestors, and to feel: “They who are (now, because of this Temple work) with us are greater than those who are against us.”

God Takes Care Of Those Who Take Care Of Us

One of the most important and significant activities in the House of the Lord is the sealing of spouses to each other and sealing children to their parents. In fact, if families are forever, and children are a blessing from the Lord, one could say that the acts of creating eternal families, and tying those families together in a chain, is one of Heavenly Father’s greatest activities and joys.

My sister Mary and I at the Mesa, Arizona, LDS Temple

These sealings are done in sacred rooms in the Temple, where people representing those who have gone before act as proxies for parents and children. One morning, I met my sister Mary at the Mesa temple, where we did an endowment session. Later, we did a sealing session that included a favorite relative of my mother’s, known simply to her as “Cousin Emil”.

Cousin Emil Michaelis in Menomonee, Michigan

Cousin Emil was small, had a deformed body (bad back?), and never married. He lived with his brother and sister-in-law in Menominee, Michigan, just over the bridge from Marinette, Wisconsin, where my mother grew up. For years, she’s told me about how she would ride her bike up to their house, where Cousin Emil taught her to play pinochle, talked to her, and was a good friend to her.  

As I was doing Cousin Emil’s work, I heard promises about families and posterity. My mind went to him, his deformity, and how he’d never married. Suddenly, a vision of him appeared in my mind: He was a strong, healthy, active and attractive man, someone who would have a wonderful companion, one who was a sweet and kind as he was. As I thought about him, these words came to my mind: “He took care of your mother. I’ll take care of him.” At that moment, tears filled my eyes and joy filled my heart, and I knew it was true.

Later, as my sister and I knelt across the altar from each other, acting as proxies for Cousin Emil’s parents, and as he was sealed to them as their son for forever, I felt those same feelings. I could not wait to get out of the Temple, meet up with my sister by her truck, call our mother, and tell her of the experience(s) we’d had in doing Cousin Emil’s temple work, including doing his endowment, and sealing him to his parents. We all cried again, and we knew Cousin Emil was going to be alright.

A Place At The Table:  Ich Darf — Und SOLL — Am Tisch Sein

One of the most significant events of my entire trip happened when I was doing the work for one of my Härtl ancestors. To put this family history experience in context: When we were in Bavaria, we went to the Härtl farm between Falkenberg and Tirschenreuth. It was a large complex with several newer houses, as well as older, well-maintained barns. I knocked on the door and explained who I was. Unlike many other meetings I’d had, this gentleman was abrupt, said simply “I don’t know anything about that, and don’t want to know!”, and closed the door.


It didn’t surprise me, as I’d earlier heard about the Härtl family. It seems they had a reputation of, well, knowing their place in the community. When I first heard about them, I was told they had a special place, a table, at a local restaurant. If you were invited to sit with them for the evening, to be “am Tisch” with them, well, that was really something!

Later, it was told to me this way:

“Zu dem Tisch in den Gasthäusern kann ich folgendes sagen. Im Gasthaus hatten die Bauern und bessergestellten Bürger von Falkenberg und den umliegenden Dörfern einen Stammtich. Arbeiter und andere Leute konnten nur auf Einladung an den Tisch kommen. Auch die Härtl gehörten zu den Stammtischlern.

In unserer Kirche in den alten Kirchenstühlen waren Schilder mit den Namen der Besitzer angebracht. Man mußte den Platz kaufen oder eine Spende machen. Das ist aber schon lange her; nur die Schilder sind an den Plätzen geblieben.”

Roughly translated: “I can tell you this about the tables in the restaurants. In the local restaurant, the farmers — land owners — and the better off citizens of Falkenberg and the surrounding towns, a “Stammtisch”. Workers and other people could only sit at the table by invitation. The Härtl’s were part of the Stammtisch group.

In our church, on the old church pews, there were shields, signs, showing the name of the people who sat there. You either had to buy the pew, or make a significant donation. But that was long ago; only the signs stayed on the pews.”

Härtl ancestry family history temple work at the Tucson LDS Temple -- I belong am Tisch!

As I was doing a Härtl man’s Temple work, the thought came to me about their importance in Falkenberg. Almost immediately, my own self doubt arose, and I thought “Oh, he/they will think this is foolish and silly. They’ll probably say “We don’t want to know anything about that,” and this is a waste of time.”

Almost as immediately as I thought that, the VERY STRONG answer came: “NO! We are listening. We are aware, and accepting. And YOU, because of what you are doing for us, YOU belong “am Tisch.” YOU have a place here.”

As I thought more about it, I realized that the Härtls were not proud or stuck up. They simply knew their place in the community, and lived accordingly. Then, just as quickly, while I was thinking about them all, meditating in the Celestial Room of the Temple, the thought came: “We have been watching you. You’ve always doubted yourself. You’ve always felt that you were “less than.” But you are not. You need to know who you are. Because of who you are, not just because of the work you’ve done for us, but because of your lineage, you belong at the table!”

A place at the table -- am Tisch

I was sobbing. I sat there, basking in the knowledge that my ancestors were telling me that I BELONGED AM TISCH! That I was worthy of having a seat at the table, that because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and with His help, I needed to change how I felt about myself. *(Funny that the next day, I saw this sign).

It was as shocking of a moment as when I, a couple of decades ago, saw a photo of myself taken in my sister’s back yard in Phoenix. As I looked at the photo, I wondered: “Who is that good-looking guy?!?” Then, shockingly, I realized: “That’s ME!” For the first time in my life, I’d seen myself as good looking.

This was the same type of experience, maybe even more profound. Although I knew I was loved and cared for and appreciated, and worthy because of Jesus Christ, I’d never felt or understood that I was a good and strong and powerful person who deserved to be “am Tisch”.

As I wondered about that, I also thought: “What happens if I start to act stuck up, if I get all full of myself? That would not be what a follower of Jesus Christ would do. How do I avoid that?” Immediately the thought came: “Tell Marnie about this experience. Then, give her permission to call you out, to let you know if you are getting a little too full of yourself.”

Later, when I called her and told her about the experience, and that she could police me, she said: “One of your weaknesses is your lack of self confidence. I will let you know if you’re getting too full of yourself, but right now I’m excited about seeing this new, confident Dave.”

After I left the Temple (still crying), I sat in my car and dictated the experience into a voice recording. I’ll transcribe it and put it here when I can.

Individual Responses To Family History and Temple Work

One thing I’m learning by doing Temple work by proxy for my ancestors is that, even though the Temple verbiage, covenants, and ordinances are exactly the same for each of them, the way they are, how they respond, and what they (and I) learn is as individual now as they must have been in life.

One example is the Härtl man I just described. Every time I took a Härtl man’s name through (or, more accurately, did his work by proxy), I felt satisfied, proud, organized, “this is the way it should be.” Not to say there wasn’t satisfaction, but there was a noticeable lack of gleeful joy (something I am full of, normally). They are just grateful, and “Now, let’s get on with it.” (Tsach, tsach! An die Arbeit!)

How Appropriate Is Dancing In The Celestial Room?

In contrast, I had two experiences with other ancestors which were more of what I would expect from me or someone related to me. For example, I did the proxy work for one of my Vollath ancestors (Viktoria (Mark) Kunz immigrated to Wisconsin. Her mother was a Vollath, and Marnie and I visited the Vollath family farm). As I imagined him hearing and accepting the Gospel and the Temple ordinances and covenants, I “saw” him in my mind, specifically in the pasture on his farm.

He was dancing. Literally, he was hopping, spinning around, laughing, and dancing. THAT is much more in line with what I would expect a relative of mine to do!

Even more pronounced was the response from an ancestor I hadn’t had much of a “connection” with. In other words, I don’t know exactly where he is from, I hadn’t visited his home or family farm, and I’ll have to look to see how we are connected. In fact, I spilled food on his ordinance card as it was sitting in my rental car cup holder, so I’m not even certain I can remember his name!

What I do remember, though, is his ecstatic and absolute JOY as he/I came through the veil into the Temple room. If I’d been able to, I would have danced right there. The feeling of satisfaction and absolute glee was almost overwhelming. I will forever remember the sunlight streaming through the saguaro-flower stained glass window, me looking at it and the white carpet and furniture in the celestial room, and hearing the words: “I wanted it. I got it! I wanted it. I got it! Just bust a move! (Just bust a move!)”

(Ja, I might get to be am Tisch, but I have a feeling I’ll be hanging out with the pasture dance Volks, too!)

[For the record, I’m pretty certain this happened on January 31st or February 1st, with either *Johann Schmid, my 8th great-grandfather and the great-grandfather to Simon Vollath, Viktoria Mark’s grandfather; OR Johann Kellner, the grandfather of Viktoria’s grandmother.]

Current Miracles Happen When Doing Temple Work For Our Ancestors

Obviously, each experience I had doing work for my ancestors impacted them (and me) for the eternities. Sometimes, though, the blessings we get in doing temple work reach out and impact us here, today. They happen so often (*at least, that’s what it seems in talking to temple workers) that people who work in the temple(s) call them “temple miracles.”

An example might be the day I was talking (as I do) to the folks in the office, as I was getting some names printed out. I learned that two brothers who were there happened to be from Duchesne, where I’d spent fourth grade. Later, the “coincidence” extended, and I talked in-depth with their parents.

Folks from Duchesne, Utah, at the Tucson LDS Temple, Feb. 2025

Suddenly, in the parking lot, a couple of names of childhood friends came to me. One was the son of a sheep rancher who I hadn’t been in contact with since I wrote him on my mission. I’d forgotten his name, but in the Tucson temple parking lot, I remembered it. When I told the family who my friend was, they immediately said they knew him, and would let him know we’d been in touch. What will happen out of that? I don’t know, but it will be interesting to find out.

That’s a small example. But one of the most significant events of forgiveness in my life happened as the result of a “temple miracle” a few days later.

The back story is this: A dear, close friend of mine from my Seattle days had hired me. He’d stood up for me for several years as I struggled to do what the company wanted me to. Although there were a lot of good times, and we did a lot of fun things together, the work situation became more and more strained. Finally, it was evident it wasn’t working out, and he’d had to let me go.

After that, I rarely spoke to him. I felt terrible that I’d let him down, but I didn’t know how to approach him and apologize.

Enter the “temple miracle.” The day after Marnie arrived in Tucson, I’d scheduled to do an endowment session. As I woke up, I realized she was exhausted, so I cancelled it, and rescheduled it for an hour later. I later described it to a friend this way: “They (our ancestors) and the Savior are keenly aware of the smallest needs that we might have. We were going to go to the 9:00 a.m. session this morning and something told me as I got up at 7:00 that it was better to go to the 10:00 session. I thought it was just me being lazy, but when I walked in and got dressed in my temple whites a young man looked across the locker room and said “You look familiar.” I looked back at him and recognized that he was the son of a good friend of mine (and actually someone who you know!) Much healing was done. The Lord is aware.”

The young man was the son of the guy who’d hired me, and someone who I’d taught in Scouts and Church when he was growing up with my son. I reached out to shake his hand and he said “No way!” and gave me a huge hug. He was the escort for his son, my friend’s grandson. Then he said: “My parents are waiting for us in the chapel.”

With some trepidation, I went upstairs and found them. I cautiously shook their hands, and we talked a bit. During the session, I made certain to stay out of their way; I could tell there were still some feelings, and I didn’t want to ruin their day with their son.

In the Celestial Room, I saw them again. As I met my wife there, they came up to us to be introduced. I still was somewhat nervous, but they were kind and gracious. (I should say, too, that my first wife and my friend’s wife were very good friends in Seattle, so I felt somewhat nervous about introducing Marnie to them.)

Still, all this time, in my mind I’m thinking and feeling: “There is a reason you’re seeing them here, in this place, today.”

Forgiving friends at the Tucson LDS Temple

Afterwards we took pictures with his son, grandson, and their family. Although they (and we) had several friends in Arizona, I thought it was interesting that I, by accident, was the only one there with them on that day.

As his son and their family loaded up their van to leave, I grabbed my former friend and his wife and pulled them aside. “I don’t know quite how to do this,” I stammered, “but I feel I need to. I’ve felt for years that I let you down, disappointed you, and even betrayed you. I know you took a big risk hiring me, and … well, I failed.” Then I turned to his wife and said, “I know you and my first wife were very close, and I know I hurt you as well.”

Then I got emotional and cried as I told them – and especially him – “I just have been trying to figure out, for years, how to apologize, and how to say how very sorry I am for betraying your faith and trust in me. I’m sorry.”

I won’t forget what happened next. He turned to me and said something like: “Yes, I’ve felt resentment for years because of what happened. I’ve talked to [our mutual friend] a number of times about it. But this, being here” (and he pointed to the Temple), “seeing you here, this is right. This has made it alright. This is the way it should be.” (Something like that).

And his wife responded similarly. I knew, because of the power of the Atonement, and His forgiveness, that they were also able to forgive me. We hugged, and went our separate ways, hoping to stay in contact.

Talking with Marnie later, I expressed amazement (and yet, not, because I’m getting used to it!) at the small “temple miracles” that show how much our Heavenly Father and our Savior love us and are aware of us. I did not realize the pain, angst, and burden I was carrying from that situation. More importantly, I had no idea about the pain and resentment my friend was carrying. But God knew. And in the right time, and at the right place, He took care of it in a unique and sacred and healing way. He lifted those burdens and, as tears of joy and gratitude were shed, healed us.

“Friends at first, are now friends again at last.”

Getting Awakened At 4 A.M. Drove Me To Do Family History And Temple Work

A significant, overarching moment of this entire Tucson and Arizona temple(s) trip came early on, when I was just getting settled in to doing temple work there. One evening I was talking to Marnie about my temple experiences. I mentioned that I thought I’d like to maybe not do as much, go sight-seeing, explore Tucson. I was verbally processing, and wondered out loud why I felt such a need to go to the Temple.

Marnie quickly responded: “Those Kunz ancestors woke you up at 4 in the morning in Falkenberg. They made sure their records were gathered. Don’t you think they’re excited and anxious that you do their work for them?!?”

3 ordinance in one day for the KUNZ family in the Tucson, Arizona LDS Temple

That was all it took! From then on, they didn’t let me rest! Every chance I had, I was at the temple. I remember the first day I did three ordinances in one day. I was exhausted, but it was an amazing experience, and I felt supported, sustained, and uplifted not only spiritually, but in a very real way, physically. In fact, visualizing their names on the Kunz Stammbaum not only put them in context, but also made them very real and alive to me. And it was clear: They wanted their work done!

One of the sweetest moments of the entire trip was when Marnie was able to finally join me. She did the preliminary work for Katarina Kraft Kunz, the matriarch of the family. I’d done the work for her husband, Wolfgang Kunz, earlier. As Marnie did the work for Great-great … Grandma Kunz, especially at the end, I felt her gratitude. And I felt the power of her blessing me, her posterity. I’d often felt that when I’d done the men’s proxy work, but when Marnie did the work for Katrina Kraft Kunz, even though I was just sitting there, I felt her blessing me. I knew she appreciated and was grateful for what we’d done.

Marnie and Dave after doing family history temple work at the Tucson LDS Temple, Feb. 2025

Then, we were able to seal them, with us as proxy, as husband and wife, legally and lawfully wedded for time and all eternity. As that sealing happened, and as we were sealed as proxies for other couples, and sealing the children to their parents, I often sobbed with joy. In fact, it became so common that, as we were called to kneel at the temple altar, I would grab a couple of tissues. I knew I was going to bawl my eyes out!

Everyone Has A Choice. We Simply Give Our Ancestors The Opportunity

As mentioned before, most of the people I’ve done work for, I feel their presence and gratitude immediately. I can tell they are being gathered in to the fold of Christ, and they are thankful.

But not always. Folks – whether alive here or passed on to another realm — always have a choice. One of the Kunz men was this way. As I was doing an endowment session for him, I could sense that he was not that impressed. In fact, at one point he seemed to think it was silly, and the thought came to my mind: “Why are you wasting your time doing this?” That made me very uncomfortable.

The feeling continued on for awhile. I began to wonder “Was this man just a bad man here on earth, and that’s why he’s not accepting it?” The thought came: “No, he’s a good man. He’s just always busy, and doesn’t want to do anything he doesn’t have to.”

The feeling continued for quite a long time. I thought about his parents, his posterity, his relatives. I wondered how he could just “not get it,” when it was plain that they were excited about the Gospel. It was then I realized how individual we all are, and that – just like when I was a missionary – I can only bring the message and bear testimony. The rest is up to them.

Almost at the instant I let go of the feeling that I had to control him and make him see and feel the significance of the Gospel, when I simply said in my heart: “I know it’s true. The rest is up to you,” I got the feeling of him saying: “You know, I know you think this is important. I know some of my ancestors and relatives think this is important. Maybe I should really listen to the message and think about it and pray about it. If nothing else, thank you for the opportunity.” At that moment, I knew that he no longer felt like what I was doing was silly or foolish, but that it had merit he couldn’t see yet, but he was willing to learn about. I knew he knew that I knew that it is true.

Gratitude Goes Both Ways: Connecting the Reformation to the Restoration

Interesting side note about what follows: Marnie’s ancestor Leo Jud was a friend of the Swiss reformer Ulrich Zwingli, and was instrumental in helping translate the Zurich Bibel and move forward the Swiss Reformation. Of course, the Reformation laid the foundation for the Restoration of the Gospel and the Church of Jesus Christ. As I was doing his work, and proxy work for others of his family, I felt extreme gratitude from him, AND I was able to express my gratitude for his work which had made the Restoration of the Gospel – including the Priesthood and Temple ordinances we were participating in together – possible!

The Anxious Woman In The Mirror

Mary, Marnie and Dave doing family history sealings at the Mesa Arizona LDS Temple

Once Marnie arrived in Arizona, I did a lot fewer individual ordinances, but we were able to do a lot more couple and family sealings. It was good to have her there, to “wrap up” all the sealings and other loose ends on my line caused by the fact that I’m a male, and can only do work for males. We were also able to join my sister Mary at the Mesa temple, and do family sealings with her as well. (It just seems better when you gather your family together on both sides of the veil!)

I can’t remember who the woman was we were doing the work for. In fact, it might have been one of her family members, someone who was “burning a hole in (Marnie’s) pocket.” As I think about it, it probably was one of the relatives of the Jud and Wohnlich families. (Marnie writes about the folks from Stein am Rhein, too, in her blog). It could have been the daughter of the pastor of the Lustdorf Church. As we did their work, I could hear the bells peal out with joy (just like Marnie had heard the bell in the church belfry!)

In any case, as we were getting sealed by proxy for this woman and her husband, Marnie answered a question too soon. It was almost as if the woman was anxious to have her work done, and jumped the gun! We laughed, and I said softly “She’s just really anxious to have her work done!”

At the same moment, I looked over Marnie’s shoulder into one of the eternal mirrors that are in almost every sealing room in every temple in the Church. It shimmered, as though something were moving past it. I couldn’t quite make it out, but suddenly I knew: She’d been there. She was there. But then she had to leave. I told Marnie about it later, and said: “I think she had to go, because she has work to do. And now she’s endowed with this power, and sealed to her family? She has A LOT of work to do!”

Family History Shrinks the Vastness of Eternity and Centuries Gone By

I’ve long believed that there is something amazing that happens when you do family history work for your own relatives. The vastness of the Church and its members means that there are plenty of names you can be handed in the Temple, so you can do proxy work for others. But using, printing out your ancestors’ names, doing work for your own family? It’s strong and powerful.

During the weeks I was doing my own family history temple work, I got to “know” and understand my ancestors in ways and to depths I hadn’t expected. They became living, real people to me, not just names and dates on a page. I felt their love for me, and I developed a love for them. We joyfully cried, laughed, discussed, pondered, worshipped, and even danced (a little) together. These folks were not merely old Bavarian and German farmers. They became almost as real to me – and certainly as connected – as Marnie’s uncle Donald. And they taught me – in that fabulous Germanic style of elders teaching the youth – about who I was and am. And they did it in a firm yet kind way that so reminded me of my Grandma Bertha.

Family History + Temple Work Conclusion

Self-understanding. Connection with relatives on both sides of the veil. Healing. Testimony sharing. Testimony building. Sanctification. And releasing additional priesthood power – Heavenly Father’s and the Savior’s power – onto the Earth, in the form of guardian angels, relatives and friends who are now clothed with that eternal power. These are all things I experienced. These are all things I know. I’ll never be the same, thanks to that winter in Arizona.

Special Thanks To the Tucson Temple Workers

I’d be remiss if I didn’t give a special shout out to the Tucson Temple workers. Although the workers in Gilbert and Mesa were wonderful, I wasn’t at those temples as often. The Tucson temple workers – especially those at the recorder’s office, where I printed and picked up my family names – began to recognize me. Soon, it felt as though almost everyone in the Temple recognized me.

Most of all, they were not only helpful in directing me where to go, but they seemed appreciative of the work I was doing. If I’d stop them to tell them of an experience that I’d had, or a “temple miracle,” they not only listened, but they genuinely were interested. Often times, the mere re-telling of the experience I’d had brought tears, testimony, and the Spirit to both of us. I truly grew to love not only the building – smaller than many, it was much easier to navigate and not get lost in – but the people who served there.

The last day I was there, Saturday morning, I picked up some of my ancestors’ name cards, as I usually did once I’d completed their temple work, and the actions had been recorded. A brother and a sister who’d helped me several times before said, “Well, we’ll see you next week again!” Emotions were extremely poignant – as they are now – and tears welled up as I responded: “No, I’m sorry. We’re heading back home tonight. You won’t see us for … a while.”

Sunrise and Family History stories and glories at the Tucson LDS Temple

I will miss them and the Spirit of the Tucson Temple, so I leave with a heartfelt “Thank you! and Adiós compañeros y gracias por todo! Auf Wiedersehen, meine Mittarbeitern im Herrn. Und vielen Dank für Ihre Beispiel!

Nach Hause Family History Trip –Germany Poland and Switzerland

I’ve been doing family history research on the Kuhns and Geerdts/Starke since the early 1970s. I recently discovered where in the Kuhns/Kunz and Starke Geerdts families came from in Falkenburg Oberpfalz Bayern and Kreis Bunzlau in what is now SW Poland.

Marnie also discovered that her mother’s ancestors came from Kanton Zurich and Thurgau in Switzerland. This blog will chronicle our trip.

Post Trip: I’ve decided to split this blog into at least three parts plus an overview (this page) :

  • The Kuhns / Kunz / Mark / Härtl / Vollath families in and around Falkenberg, Kreis Tirschenreuth, Oberpfalz, Bayern, Germany (related to my Kuhns / Kunz line that came first to Milwaukee, then settling in Hartford, Wisconsin, USA, ca. 1845) (See farther down this page, below).
  • The Starke / Dausel / Dehmel families in and around Nieder Schönfeld, Ober Schönfeld, Altöls, Kreis Bunzlau, Nieder Schlesien, former Germany, now Krasnik Dolny, Krasnik Gorny, Stara Oleswia, Boleslawiec, Poland (related to my father Gene Kuhns’ “Granny Geerdts”, Bertha STARKE (Geerdts), and her mother Johanna Anna DAUSEL (Dehmel, then Starke). Bertha STARKE came to Milwaukee as a teenager in the early 1890s. This will also include a Czech DNA relative of my father from about 100 km east of Prague
  • Marnie’s distant Swiss and German relatives, including Wollrath’s from Stein am Rhein and Lustdorf; von Sulz from Reinau Switzerland and Tiengen, Kreis Waldshut, Baden-Würtenberg, Germany; Lavater from Zürich City and Castle Kyborg in Kanton Zürich, Stampfer from Castle Kyborg; and other information from St. Gallen and Lichtenstein.

There will also be other photos of random site-seeing trips we took, but mostly this blog will focus on Family History / Ahnenforschung.

Nerves about a German trip wie Nie!

The most surprising part of this trip is the incredible amount of nerves I have. Through a series of miracles, I’ve connected with family in Poland and Bavaria, and they have helped me take my family line back farther than ever before. Literally hundreds of years in the last 5 years. This is so important to me, to us, as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But I find myself being incredibly nervous. What if I mess up? What if I miss something? What if I spend time looking at a castle when I should be in the catacombs of a church researching Church record books? What if I go somewhere and miss going somewhere else?

All these questions have been keeping me up at night. Then Marnie reminded me yesterday: “You can’t screw this up. We have angels on our side. No matter what happens, we will do good work.”

And we’ve already seen those miracles happening. Connecting with people. Connecting with places such as Castle Kyborg (Schloß Kyborg, Kanton Zürich, Switzerland) that Marnie’s ancestor used to live in. Finding places next to tourist places we were going to visit that happened to be part of her family history, the churches are ancestors preached at in the early years of the reformation, just down the street from the Swiss chocolate factory I had scheduled to visit.

The miracles just keep showing up. So why should I be nervous? Great question. Monday morning, 7 Okt. 2024 at about noon, we’re in the Chattanooga airport, getting ready to fly to Charlotte then on to Munich.

Regrets and Second Guessing Ahnenforschung

The first day/night find us recovering in Regenburg. Should I have kept going on to Falkenburg? I don’t know but it’s too late now so we’re going to enjoy that time and find some bakeries and sausage restaurants 🙂

No Regrets Prepping for Ahnenforschung

Oct. 9, 2024, Regensburg, Bavaria — About an hour south of where my KUNZ MARK HÄRTL and other ancestors came from in Falkenberg bei Tirschenreuth, all questions of “should we have gotten closer” were erased. We walked about 5 miles in Munich. By the time we were driving to Regensburg, I was falling asleep on the Autobahn. Not good. So at about 3 p.m. we got into our hotel room, took showers (LONG flights do that!), took a good 2.5 hour “nap”, and then went out into the Regensburg evening.

One of my favorite “meals” as a missionary in Germany and Switzerland was to buy some Kaiser rolls, cheese and meat coldcuts, and some soft cheese, and make a sandwich. OH, of course you HAVE to have some berry/cherry fruit juice mit Sprüdel (seltzer). AND some zwetschenkuchen (plum cake pastry), so we saw a supermarket near our hotel, bought all that, and then went into Regensburg.

I was planning on taking Marnie to the Historisches Wursthaus, the oldest continuously operating restaurant in the world (500+ years?) but it was too late, so we sat at the Cathedral in a light rain and enjoyed the Brötchen and pastries. Marnie looked VERY European (in fact, her black and white checked hat matched the coat of someone staying at our hotel. Fashionista!!!)

The pain and tiredness of the jet lag hit at about 9 p.m. But a melatonin and aspirin put me right — a GOOD night’s sleep!

What does all of this have to do with family history? A LOT! I could have gone on to Falkenberg, pushed ourselves to our limits. And we would have been grumpy, sore, and probably made a BAD first impression on the people we’re meeting. This way, we feel like we’re “in synch” with what’s going on.

OH, just a word to the wise: Get a couple hundred Euros IN THE USA. Don’t do it at the airport, and don’t expect to do it at a bank. I’ve got a ton of cash in my pocket, and can’t exchange it anywhere because the bank I was going to use (DB has an agreement with BA) is … CLOSED TODAY (Wednesday). So we still haven’t exchanged our money! AND the credit cards aren’t working like they should. Sort of weird… but we’ll work through it.


The thought keeps hitting me (as I’ve said before) — “What if I don’t do “enough”?” Not going to happen. Not only will I connect (I already have), but I’m also getting a BIG feeling that I’m “preparing the way”. I’m certain that the connections I make here will help others of my family (on both sides of the Atlantic) to connect with each other. It’s like what happened in Norway, when I went there. Relatives in Norway now are connected and have visited with other relatives in Canada and the USA.

So that’s part of my “job” here. AND the connections I’ve made on Facebook, with the Ahnenforschung groups from Schlesien and Oberpfalz, are already proving to be EXTREMELY valuable!

Was Ich Über Bayrische Familiesuche Schon Vergessen Habe

Oberpfalz Bavaria Family History Names: Kuhns /Kunz, Fahrnbauer, Fischer, Kaufman, Schneider, Mark, Vollath, Peiml, Bogner, Fränkl, Tremmler / Treml, Menzl, Konz / Cuntz / Cunz, Müller, Hönig, Weiß, Härtl, Döberl, Klinger, Ziegler, Lindner, Schmid, Kellner, Ockl / Ockhel, Zintl, Buchner, Zeidler, Kern, Scharnagl, Busl, Höfler families in and around Falkenberg, Kreis Tirschenreuth, Stiftland, Oberpfalz, Bayern, Germany

Section 1: The Kuhns / Kunz / Mark / Härtl / Vollath families in and around Falkenberg, Kreis Tirschenreuth, Oberpfalz, Bayern, Germany (related to my Kuhns / Kunz line that came first to Milwaukee, then settling in Hartford, Wisconsin, USA, ca. 1845)

Day 2: Arrival in Falkenberg, meeting the Rasp Familie, Finding the Kunz and Mark Family Homes

Als wir in Falkenberg oops as we arrived at Falkenberg, I was not prepared to have to drink from a maily history fire hose! So many miracles happened, so much good happened, it was amazing. I felt soooo blessed. (although I was really REALLY happy we’d taken the first day to recover.

Following the Family History Spirit and Inspiration

As we were driving to Falkenberg, I realized I was about an hour early, so we (I) decided to drive through the town, (here is the YouTube video of our first drive into Markt Falkenberg) then look for Bodenreuth, a small “Dorf” where my father’s father’s great-grandmother Viktoria MARK was born. Earlier, I was told that there was still a “Mark” family Hof (barn, house, land) in Bodenreuth. So we went out to look. We drove through the town. There were probably 6-8 farmhouses there. We didn’t know which one it was, so we filmed the entire town, turned around, then left.

As we were leaving, we passed two Bavarian farmers standing by a big green tractor (not that type). We drove away, but as we did, I had the distinct impression “You need to go back and talk to them.” I argued with myself,. gave me all sorts of reasons why I shouldn’t, then told Marnie.
She said “Turn around. Listen to me. Turn around.”
So I did.

I could tell they weren’t too certain about why I was asking them which house was the Mark Hof, but after I expeained who I was, they loostened up and said “It’s the Hof right next to where we are standing.” Big pink house, (Wästl?), easy to find. Nobody was home, but we were able to take some photos. First example of MANY examples of “listening”.

Later on, I made another video of the photos and videos we took around the MARK Haus in Bodenreuth:

Familie MARK Haus in Bodenreuth, Oberpfalz, Bavaria, Germany

Meeting German Relatives For The First Time and Looking At Falkenberg Church Books

After we checked into our GREAT room (Unter der Burg in Falkenberg), we met with “Cousin” Gerhard RASP, born in Falkenberg but living in Kreisstadt Tirschenreuth, and his wife Doris and son Leopold, to serve as a translator for Marnie. We also went to the Catholic church in Falkenberg, and there met Herr Helmut Köstler, the local family history expert (more about him and his work later!)

He took us over to the parish offices, where he produced church books, and showed us the Mark, Vollath, Kunz, and other lines. He also handed me a bunch of other papers that had my family history that had gone to the USA (which I had most of) as well as other KUNZ lines that I didn’t know about. I was overwhemed. It was like drinking from a fire house, so I figured I’d look at those papers when I got home. There was A LOT!

Here is the video of our time with Gerhard Rasp and Herr Helmut Köstler in the Catholic Church offices, looking at the Church records:

(Post Note: Something kept nudging me to look at the papers BEFORE I left Falkenberg. Am I glad I did! Turned out that I have LIVING relatives at the Kunz ancestral home in Falkenberg. We were able to meet them and have a wonderful time together, on the last day of our stay in Falkenberg. Imagine if I hadn’t “listened” to that simple nudge to look at the papers Herr Köstler wrote up for me!)

Then, we took a walk through the town to the cemetary. As we walked up to the cemetary, Herr Köstler showed me a mound of dirt in front of a newer house and barn. “That,” he said, “is where the KUNZ Erb home (ancestral home) used to be for years”. What I didn’t hear (and what I found out later, thanks to the “nudge”) is that there was still a (born) KUNZ woman who lived near / on the property. More about THAT later!

In order to “find” these relatives, as you’ll see in the video, we wandered through the farm, then went through a barn, then knocked on a downstairs door, and met her husband, then went upstairs where she lived … but she wasn’t there. I told the man we would come back later in the afternoon (after spending one more morning with the Rasp family).

We almost didn’t. I wanted to get “on the road”, but something kept telling me “you need to keep your word that you would go back later today.” I’m VERY glad we did, not only for the additional information we received, but also for the connections we made meeting these wonderful women. (and getting to eat AMAZING German baking, including a fresh-out-of-the-oven Apfelkuchen.

Here is the video about not only seeing the KUNZ ancestral Haus, but meeting relatives who still own the property and live next to it! (Most of the video was shot on the last day in Falkenberg). It was truly a “Kuhns Family Reunion” — ok, KUNZ family reunion.

Monika KUNZ (Fischer), her daughter Waltraut Fischer-Strigl, me, and Agnes KUNZ

Falkenberg Cemetary Family History, Followed By Traditional German Dinner

We took some photos of graves (nothing really old; the old cemetary had been built over when they rebuilt the Church down in the village, and changed the angle of how it “sat”. But, I was able to take some fotos of the graves of Otto KUNZ, Vollath, and others related to me.

I think the most notable part of all of this is when a cherubic/angelich woman came up to us. She had heard about (as everyone had) “The visitors from America”, and wanted to meet us. As I was telling her about everything we were doing, and how we had found Gerhard Rasp and other relatives, and learned about the Kuhns ancestoral home(s), she said, her angelic face beaming: “Viellicht had den Heiligen Geist etwas damit zu tun.” (Maybe the Holy Spirit had something to do with it.)

I looked at her, and I knew she understood the Spirit of Elijah. The Spirit was so strong as I felt the truthfulness of her words, and what I said next: “‘Something’ to do with it?!? The Holy Ghost, Heavely Father and Jesus have EVERYTHING to do with it!”

She beamed and shook her head enthusiastically in agreement. It was exactly what I needed today, a day when I was wonder if I was doing enough.

Afterwards, we went out to dinner with the Rasp family. We were in a small Bavarian Gast Haus, and it was great. It was also the first time that I felt like there were people in the village who knew that we were there, without us telling them. Several people at a table in the restaurant waved and said hello to us, and said “You’re the Americans, right?”

Turns out Herr Kóstler not only knows everything, but every body! Examples kept happening throughout our stay in Falkenberg. I was needing to get some Euros, and happened to meet Herr Köstler on the street. We walked over to the bank together, where he introduced me to the manager, who was just opening up. I introduced myself and started to explain who I was. He stopped me and said: “Oh, I know who you are! My brother told me. He lives in the Haus your ancestors left so many years ago.”

Another time: On the last day, we went to a small bakery near our place, to get (of course) some more delicious baked goods. As I was leaving, I noticed two older women sitting at a table, just finishing their morning bakery and Kaffee. I felt really strongly I should say (to the bakery owner): “Oh, by the way, my ancestors used to live in that house right over there.” and I pointed to Markplatz 4. One of the older women said “Ach, SIE sind die Jenigen! Wir haben schon gehört! Wilkommen!” [Oh, YOU are the ones! We’ve already heard! Welcome!]

After dinner, in front of the Gasthof, we took our leave for the evening from the Rasp family. In Germany, it is customary to shake hands when leaving a group of people (or even another person). But this felt different, so I asked “How should we take our leave?” Gerhard threw his arms out wide and said “We are relatives!” and gave me a big hug!

Does Connection Depend on What You Wear?

Sidebar note: As Gerhard, Herr Köstler, and I were working through the Church books, Marnie and Doris were on the other side of the table, just chatting away. They seemed to really hit it off, and for that I was very grateful. Marnie has been a trouper on all this family history work, but I know sometimes she gets bored. So it was great to have someone to be bored with!

One of the most humorous moments was when Doris stood up to go into the other room. I stopped her and said, “Ok, this is really amazing. Marnie, please stand up. ” They looked at me like “What are you talking about”, but eventually I convinced them to stand together.

There, side by side, were two women from half a planet away, who’d never met each other, and they were both wearing black sweaters/tops and grey-checked slacks.

It was just hysterical.

Family History Day 3: Pleisdorf, Neustadt a.d. Waldnaab, Meeting the Vollath Family Historian

In doing family history, it’s been my experience that, in every family, in every generation, there is usually at least one person who takes it upon themselves to not only research their family tree, but also to preserve the records. This was certainly the case as Gerhard Rasp and I went to Pleisdorf, a small farming “Dorf” not far from Falkenberg.

While there, we followed information we’d received about where the VOLLATH family farm was (Viktoria MARK Kunz’ mother, Anna Marie Vollath, was probably born there). As we walked through the main yard, past the tractor, a woman answered our “Hallo!”. She was the wife of Herr Vollath, who lived on the same farm that the family had lived on since the 1600s or earlier.

We briefly saw Herr Vollath (he was busy doing farm things), but we thought we’d take photos with him later (unfortunately, we didn’t). But Frau Vollath invited us up to their newer home, still on the property. We sat down in her kitchen; she gave us something to drink, and then produced a bag of SCROLLS of family history.

It was like walking into a giant family history library! As she unrolled each hand-written scroll, she told us how she had done the research at the Archives, and then written down the connections. Each red circle on the scroll showed the people who were the heirs to the property.

Again, feeling “pushed” to do more than just take photos of the Haus got us even more information that we probably wouldn’t have gotten otherwise.

Here is a video of our trip, discussing what meeting and researching with Frau Vollath meant to Gerhard and I.

Catching Up On Family History Trips

My objective to keep a daily journal of our family history trip through Europe slipped through my fingers. Fortunately, Marnie was able to keep a daily journal and record of what we did, so I’ll use that as a basis to catch up.

The day after our return to Chattanooga / Northwest Georgia (home), I felt like I should write the people / relatives / friends we met on the trip and thank them for their help. The first person we met in Falkenberg was Herr H. Köestler, sort of the town’s historian. Here is the copy in German of the letter I wrote; it summarizes (in short outline form) everything we did on the trip:

Sehr geehrter Herr Köstler:
Wir sind Gestern spät in Chattanooga angekommen. American Airlines hat unser Gepäck verloren, und wir warten zu Hause immer noch darauf. So geht’s manchmal.
Ich / Wir (Marnie und Ich) wollen Sie wiedermals herzlichen Dank sagen, fúr alle Bemühungen, was Sie für uns gemacht haben. Sie sind ein echt Engel (oder Wunder) Gottes.

  • Fast alles, was wir in Falkenberg gesehen und von meine Vorfahren gelernt haben, UND noch die Verwandten KUNZ, die ich getroffen habe, ist wegen Ihrer Arbeit. Als ich mit meine Geschwister und Vater und anderen KUNZ / MARK Verwandten darüber erzählte, konnten wir alle nicht glauben, was auf dieser Reise passiert ist. Es ist wirklich ein Wunder, und das Wunder ist wegen Ihrer Arbeit und Untersuchung. So, danke wieder vielmals!
  • Ich werde über unsere Reise in den nächsten Tagen eine Blogpost schreiben. Als wir Falkenberg hinter uns verliessen, sind wir nach Polen (ehemaliger Kreis Bunzlau). Dort hatten wir auch Erfolg; eine möglicherweise weit entfernte Verwandte von mir hat uns dort getroffen, und wir haben zwei alte Friedhöfer besucht und geputzt, und Dörfer besucht, wo die Großmutter meiner Vater zu Hause war.
  • Nach zwei Tagen in Polen sind wir nach Freiberg gefahren, um unseren Tempel (die Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage) zu besuchen.
  • Dann sind wir nach Prag gegangen und haben dort zwei DNA Verwandte kennengelernt (Vater und Tochter).
  • Dann sind wir nach Salzburg gefahren, um den Orten zu sehen, wo die Mutter meiner Frau 1953 besucht hat (Mozarts Geburtsort, u.a.).
  • Am nachsten Tag sind wir nach Stein am Rhein (Schweiz) gefahren, um zu sehen, wo einige Vorfahren meiner Frau geboren wurden.
  • Am Sonntag sind wir zuerst in Schaffhausen, Schweiz, zur Kirche gegangen. Weiter sind wir nach Tiengen (Kreis Waldshut), wo wir eine private Durchführung zum Schloß der Familie von Sulz bekommen haben. Durch Ahnenforschung meint meine Frau, sie sei von den von Sulz Familie abgestammt.  
  • Dann weiter nach Reinau und den Grossmünster in Zürich, wo Marnies Vorfahren gepredigt haben, und wo ein Hans Rudolf LAVATER, Marnies ca. 12-Urgrossvater, Bürgermeister von Zürich war.
  • Am Montag sind wir nach Lustdorf (Kanton Thurgau) und Schloß Kyburg (Kanton Zürich wieder), wo Herr Lavater Landvogt war. Da haben wir auch eine private Durchführung bekommen, und Marnie hat alte gemalte “Bilder” von zwei ihrer Vorfahren (Herrn Stampfen/Stampen) von 1495 und mitten in den 1500s) gesehen, und auch viel historisches über ihre Familie gelernt.
  • Am Dienstag sind wir nach Lichtenstein gefahren, um zu lernen, ob es noch Sulz Information dort gab. Nichts gefunden. Dann nach St. Gallen (Schweiz), wo Marnie’s Urgroßeltern (14. Generation zurück) gelebt haben.
  • Spät am Dienstag und den ganzen Mittwoch, den letzten zwei Tage unserer Reise, sind wir zum Schloß Neuschwanstein, Oberammergau und Garmisch-Partenkirchen gefahren, wo Marnies Mutter für die Hochzeitsfeier besucht hat.

WOW!  Ich bin schon müde, an alles zu erinnern! Und so ist es gegangen. Wiedermals, VIELEN DANK!, und wir werden sicherlich in Kontakt bleiben.

Summary of the Germany / Poland / Czech / Swiss Family History Trip

This is the (loose) English translation of my letter to Herr Köstler summarizing what we did after we left Falkenberg and Tirschenreuth, Bavaria:

Dear Mr. Köstler:
We arrived late in Chattanooga yesterday. American Airlines lost our luggage and we are still waiting for it at home. That’s how it goes sometimes.
I/we (Marnie and I) want to thank you again for all the efforts you made for us. You are a real angel (or miracle) of God.

  • Almost everything we saw in Falkenberg and learned from my ancestors, AND the KUNZ relatives I met, is because of your work. When I told my siblings and father and other KUNZ / MARK relatives about it, none of us could believe what happened on this trip. It really is a miracle, and the miracle is because of your work and research. So, thank you very much again!
  • I will write a blog post about our trip in the next few days. As we left Falkenberg behind us, we went to Poland (former Bunzlau district). We were successful there too; a possible distant relative of mine met us there; we visited and cleaned two old cemeteries and visited villages where my father’s grandmother lived. (Here is the Family History tour blog about that part of the trip.)
  • After two days in Poland we went to Freiberg to visit our temple (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).
  • Then we went to Prague and met two DNA relatives there (father and daughter).
  • Then we went to Salzburg to see the places my wife’s mother visited in 1953 (Mozart’s birthplace, among others).
  • The next day we went to Stein am Rhein (Switzerland) to see where some of my wife’s ancestors were born and lived.
  • On Sunday we first went to church in Schaffhausen, Switzerland. Then we went to Tiengen (Waldshut District) where we got a private tour of the von Sulz family castle. Through genealogical research my wife believes she is descended from the von Sulz family.
  • Then we traveled on to Reinau and the Grossmünster in Zurich, where Marnie’s ancestors preached, and where a Hans Rudolf LAVATER, Marnie’s ca. 12-great-grandfather, was mayor of Zurich.
  • On Monday we went to Lustdorf (Canton Thurgau) and Kyburg Castle (Canton Zurich again), where Mr. Lavater was governor. There we also got a private tour, and Marnie saw old painted “pictures” of two of her ancestors (Mr. Stampfen/Stampen) from 1495 and the mid-1500s, and also learned a lot of history about her family.
  • On Tuesday we went to Lichtenstein to see if there was any Sulz information there. Nothing found. Then to St. Gallen (Switzerland), where Marnie’s great-grandparents (14 generations back) lived.
  • Late Tuesday and all day Wednesday, the last two days of our trip, we went to Neuschwanstein Castle, Oberammergau, and Garmisch-Partenkirchen, where Marnie’s mother visited in the early 1950s for her honeymoon.

WOW! I’m already tired of remembering everything! And so it went. Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH! and we will certainly keep in touch.

Family History Thank You Nach Bayrischen Art / Bavarian Style

Family history trip catchup is hard to do! I keep getting the impression to create “thank you” videos and notes, so that’s what I did today (Nov. 4, a week after our return). The importance of Gerhard and Doris Rasp of Tirschenreuth, on this family history trip, can’t be underestimated. I met Gerhard (my cousin 4x removed) a few years ago, and have planned this genealogy trip with him, because of him, and through him, ever since. He was a HUGE impact on my part of the trip.

Even more important was the role his wife Doris played in making certain Marnie was connected to the experience and didn’t feel left out. Doris’ English is great, so Marnie was able to do cultural exploration not only with Doris, but with their University-student son Leopold. Marnie asked a lot of questions, and got a lot of new insights and perspectives. And the food they gave us, and the Gemütlichkeit! We didn’t have to buy food for the entire time we were in Falkenberg!

Here’s the YouTube video thank you I created with lots of photos of them, as they gave us tours of Falkenberg, Tirschenreuth, Bodenreuth, and elsewhere:

Wow. That’s a lot to unpack! Stay tuned!

Freiberg Germany Temple Experience With KUNZ Ancestor

As I bore my testimony in church today, I realized I hadn’t relayed one of the most significant events about our trip: The Freiberg Temple veil experience.

First, let’s admit that the entire trip was amazing; truly a miracle. The people we met, the records we found, the people who helped us, the records that people created without knowing we were coming — all were miracles. It’s clear that the gathering of Israel is happening at a “drinking from a firehouse” pace on both sides of the veil.

But I was reminded again of what happened at the Temple. I was privileged to take Sebastian KUNZ, the father of Johan Kuhns, (my ancestor who immigrated to Wisconsin,) through the temple. Marnie had mentioned before the trip how cool it was (amazing) that he would be able to hear the endowment in his native language of German. Even more, for me, was the miracle of the Freiberg temple, built in East Germany, less than 2 hours away from where Sebastian KUNZ, Johan’s father, was born, raised his family, and died in Falkenberg, Tirschenreuth, Bavaria, Germany.

During the Temple ceremony, I think I was focusing so much on UNDERSTANDING the German, that I really failed to FEEL my ancestor’s presence. In fact, I remember at one point being disappointed, because usually I can feel their presence, their love, their acceptance of what is going on, and how grateful they are for me doing their work. There was a little bit of that, but not like what I expected.

Then the end of the Endowment session happened. Although I’d done the ceremony hundreds of times before, it was always in English. So I had to have a prompt card. 

The ceremony is too sacred to repeat , and I am very cautious about what I want to say. But let’s say this: As I spoke the words, I could barely speak. I felt like Sebastian was there, approving of what was going on. The emotion was so strong, at one point the assistant asked if I wanted to do it in English. I said, “Ich kann das auf Deutsch” (I can do it in German). because I felt very strongly that I needed to continue in English.

Easily the most powerful part was when Priesthood blessings are involved, and we think about our posterity. I’ve always gone through that part of the Temple thinking about my descendants, and the blessings for them. But this time, as I was going through, for my ancestor, I realized that he was invoking those blessings on ME, his posterity! I’d never heard or felt it like that before, and I cried so hard I could barely breathe.

Amazing, amazing experience. — Dave KUHNS, great great x5 or 6 grandson of Sebastian KUNZ.

Family History and Temple Work Update

A few months after our trip to Bavaria, Poland, Switzerland, and other parts of Europe, Marnie and I had the opportunity to do temple work in the LDS Temples in Arizona, especially Tucson. You can read about those amazing spiritual experiences here.

Finding My Bavarian Roots: Geneaology Blogging Prose

UPDATED 2 October, 2024: Wir werden in Falkenberg bei Tirschenreuth, Oberpfalz, Bayern, Deutschland,  8-12 Okt., 2024 sein.  We will be in Falkenberg, Bavaria, October 8-12, 2024. Siehe neue Familien Namen unten! See new family names below.
UPDATED FEB. 15, 2022, with new information. (see below)

From July 16, 2016, 1:09 pm: As I write this, I’m shedding tears of joy and disbelief. Since my high school days (1973-74) I’ve tried to find the KUHNS family link to “the old country” (Germany). I would take the bus during my high school and college years, during the summer, down to the Milwaukee County Historical Society, to do census and resident research.
I discovered that my grandfather George’s father, John, was a carpenter at the Pabst Theater. I learned that John’s father, Eugene, lived in Milwaukee, and was born in Germany.
So I kept trying and trying to find how Eugene “came over” from Germany, and where in Germany he was from. My research in Milwaukee — which spanned decades — always came up with only “Germany” as his birthplace.
Three years ago, I learned — through census records — that Eugene and several of his siblings had lived in Hartford, Washington County. I went to the Hartford Library and historical society, where some volunteers helped me find several newspaper articles about some KUHNS family. I made copies of the articles, but as I was short on time, I never really read them. In fact, I thought they were probably NOT related to me, because they mentioned another John KUHNS who was an early settler of Hartford, builder and owner of the “Old Wisconsin House” (aka “American House”) So I put the newspaper articles away in deep storage.
Eventually, I discovered that Eugene’s father, John, and his mother, Victoria, were buried in Hartford. At the time, I wrote this piece:

Alas, all censuses of this family simply said “Germany” as their residence before coming to the USA. I was still no closer to finding WHERE in Germany the Kuhns line came.
Recently, I pulled the articles out and brought them to Wisconsin. They sat on the bunkbed for months, as I only glanced at the headlines: “Old Settler Dead” and “Death of John Kuhns”.
Today, I brought them out and showed them to my father, who read them with interest. They talked of John Kuhns’ (Grandpa’s great-grandfather, NOT his father) life in the mid-1800’s in Hartford, builder and owner of the Wisconsin House / American House. But again, I never read the articles.
As I took them back into my room, for some reason, I decided to completely read them. I read of John and Victoria’s son Matthias, who died fairly young. I read of my grandfather’s grand-uncle, from Madison.

I read of the death of “the Old Settler” John Kuhns, the first Kuhns from our family in Wisconsin.
JohnKUHNS_KUNTZ_KUNZ_HartfordPressObitMarch1903Then I read this:
“The deceased was born in Falkenberg, Germany, in 1810.”
I stared.

In the next article on the copied page was this line: “Mr. Kuhns was born in Bavaria …. 1810 … and came to this country … in 1845.”
Falkenberg. Bavaria. Germany.
There is a town. A name. My KUHNS/KUNTZ line has a location.
FALKENBERG in Oberpfalz, Bavaria.
OR is it THIS Falkenberg, only a few miles north of where I studied German in Ebersberg, at the Goethe Institut?
Four decades of research flash into a time warp of insight and inspiration, take me back to the old country, 50 kilometers east of a city I spent a cold November night in 1980.

Schwetze mi UrGrossEltern Boarisch? Wiss nid!

But my Kuhns/Kuntz family line seems to have a home in Falkenberg, Oberpfalz, Bavaria, Germany, northeast of Munich, east of Nuremberg, near the Czech border.
And I’m in tears.
PS: In the same article: “He was married in the old country, Feb. 2, 1836, to Victoria Mormk.”
More information, a last name we never knew before.——

PPS: Not so fast:’s a Falkenberg in Lower Bavaria.
Which one is it? I guess I will have to do more research!… but we’re getting closer!

UPDATE, Feb. 15, 2022: I haven’t been able to rest recently. Several family researchers, distant cousins, keep coming up with more data on the KUHNS line in Milwaukee. So, for some reason, late last night I started doing research on Falkenberg, to see if I could determine once and for all, what part of Germany the Kuhns/Kuntz line immigrated from.
This time I did a search for “KUNTZ Falkenberg Bayern”. A website came up I’d never seen before, a private genealogy website, in German, “Familienforshung – Kunz, Weiden in der Oberpfalz“. Interesting. The researcher talked about Konz, Kontz, Kunz, Contz and other similar names from the Oberpfalz area. Normally, these names don’t get me excited, because they are SO different from the KUHNS / KUNTZ line I research. But something made me look.

Side Note: My wife later pointed out that, had I not gone on a mission to Switzerland and Germany in the 1970’s, and studied German in 1980 near Munich, I would have never been able to “see” the hints that appeared on the page. But because I know German, there were words and phrases that jumped out at me.

Quellen = Sources for Falkenberg KUNZ Research

For example, on the home page, the word “Quellen” seemed to jump out. “Sources”. So I clicked on the link, which took me to a list page of sources the researcher (Alfred KUNZ of Weiden, Germany, may he rest in peace) had used. As I scrolled down, a particular line jumped out at me:
b) Staatsarchiv Amberg: Nordamerikanische Auswanderer aus der Oberpfalz (1839 – 1871) — “Immigrants to North America out of Oberpfalz (1839 – 1871). Something in my memory stirred. My ancestors left “The Old Country” some time around 1840. I downloaded this record, a LARGE PDF file with hundreds of pages, thousands of listings. I searched KUHNS. Nothing. KUNTZ. Nothing. I wondered if I searched for “Falkenberg” if something would show up. Several listings, but not many. I determined to look at them all. Suddenly: “Johann KUNZ”. The next line: “Ehefrau + 6 Kinder”. “His wife + 6 children”, registered to leave Bavaria for North America.

Kunz family departure from Falkenberg, Bavaria, 1845

Something stirred. It was the wrong spelling, but still: How many of their children were born in Germany? I knew my genealogy file had the answer, so I looked up his family tree. Six children were born in Germany.

Another column showed the date this family left Germany: April, 1845. My heart sank. I was certain my family had arrived in Wisconsin in 1840. Still, one should always check the records. SURPRISE! The obits, the census records, and other records I’d recorded made it clear: The family arrived in Wisconsin in 1845! Still a possibility! I read other columns from the PDF record. “Occupation: Glasermeister”. Master of glass. Something stirred in me. Why did that sound familiar? I scanned through the obit in that I had posted. Nothing. But something said “There’s more.” I looked in my “Kuhns_KuntzOldNewspaperClippings” file. There was an obit I hadn’t posted on the website. “Old Settler Dead”. And it said: “In 1845 Mr. Kuhns with his family came to America to live. … In his native country he followed the occupation of glass cutting.”

There it was! A man with the correct first name, John (Johann), similar last name, KUNZ (instead of KUHNS or KUNTZ) leaves Falkenberg, Germany (a very small village, population in the hundreds) in 1845, arrives in Wisconsin the same year with his wife and 6 children. He and his wife are from Falkenberg, Bavaria, where he is a glass cutter. ALL those items (names, number of children, location, occupation) are substantiated on both sides of the ocean, both in Bavarian records and Wisconsin records.

I have found our family’s “Heimats Ort”, our home town. Of course, I have to research it! I find this: Hertzlich Willkommen in Falkenberg! A cute little Dorf (actually, a Markt) in the Tirschenreuth district of Oberpfalz, Bavaria.

Again, I’m weeping. I bi Heim!

As I was discovering all of this, I made a video, which I will post here later.

Departure Notice of Johann KUNZ from Falkenberg, Bavaria, 1845
More Falkenberg KUNZ Information

I wrote a long email to Alfred KUNZ, (unfortunately, Herr KUNZ passed away in the summer of 2024, before I could meet him), thanking him for his website and explaining my excitement. The next morning, he’d responded with a photo of an official notice from the Bavarian Kingdom Intelligenceblatt, an official notification for all persons concerned regarding the immigration of Johann KUNZ and his wife and six children to North America. The rough translation:

#343, published 13 March, 1845
“Let It Be Known.
Johann Kunz, Glassmaster from Falkenberg, has the intention, with wife and 6 children, to immigrate to North America.
It is required that all those who have dealings (or things to do with) this family, should appear Saturday, 12 April, morning 9 o’clock, under the _____ of the area/regional office, and register. (Listed) Tischenreuth on the 7th March, 1845, Royal (Bavarian) Landregion Tirschenreuth, ______ (Zimmer? Wimmer?)”

Alfred Kunz later wrote more of an explanation for the published notice: “Wer im 19. Jahrhundert nach Nordamerika auswandern wollte, brauchte dazu eine behördliche Erlaubnis, die beim zuständigen Gericht (Amtsgericht Tirschenreuth) beantragt werden musste.” 
“In the 1800s, whoever wanted to immigrate to North America had to get an official permission from the local authorities (Official Office Tirschenreuth).”

“Männer mussten ihren Militärdienst geleisten haben und die Auswanderer durften keine Schulden zurücklassen. Deshalb wurde ihre Absicht auszuwandern im Intelligenzblatt veröffentlicht.”
“Men had to have fulfilled their Military Service requirement, and the immigrants could not leave behind any debts or obligations. For this reason, their intention to immigrate was published in the Intelligenzblatt (newspaper).”

“Und eine Frist gesetzt, damit Ansprüche und Forderungen an die Auswanderer geltend gemacht werden konnten.” 
“And a bail posted, so that requirements and debts against the immigrants could be financially paid off.


PS: If you are related or are from Falkenberg, Tirschenreuth, Bavaria, please contact me at da.kuhns at gmail dot com, or naturesguy at naturesguy dot com. Put in the subject line “Kuhns / Kuntz / Kunz family history” or something similar


I’ve gotten a lot of information from Alfred KUNZ and his website. He has also emailed me directly. We do not yet know if we are related, but he has been very helpful. I’ll continue to post updates here.

Yesterday he sent me a list of houses in Falkenberg, as well as their “new” address. He wrote: “nach der Häuseraufstellung Falkenberg von 1840 wohnte ihr Vorfahre Johann Kunz im Haus-Nr. 91. Die Anschrift ist heute: Marktplatz 4.”
“According to the Census of Houses in Falkenberg from 1840, your ancestor Johann Kunz lived in Haus Number 91. The address today is: Marktplatz 4.”

In the 1840 census, Johann KUNZ and his family lived at Marktplatz 4 in Falkenberg. Using GoogleEarth, I was able to put in the address and find an arial view of the house, across the street from the back corner of the church in the center of town. Using a street view, I was also able to see the front of the house. 

Marktplatz 4 is in the upper left corner of this photo, near the back of Pfarrkirche St. Pankratius in the center of Falkenberg. The Burg Falkenberg (castle, fortress) is just off the top center of the photo..
Marktplatz 4 is in the upper left corner of this photo, near the back of Pfarrkirche St. Pankratius in the center of Falkenberg. The Burg Falkenberg (castle, fortress) is just off the top center of the photo..
Street view of the front of Marktplatz 4, Falkenberg, Bavaria, the home (in 1840) of Johann KUNZ. The back of the  Pfarrkirche St. Pankratius church is visible on the left.
Street view of the front of Marktplatz 4, in Falkenberg, the home (in 1840) of Johann KUNZ. The back of the Pfarrkirche St. Pankratius church is visible on the left.

Directions to Falkenberg, Tirschenreuth in Oberpfalz, Bavaria, Germany

Now, of course, our family wants to go to Falkenberg. For reference, it is in the Oberpfalz area of Bavaria. NOTE: There are several “Falkenberg” towns in Germany, including a few in Bavaria. The best way to find the Kuhns / Kuntz / Kunz Heimat is to look on Google Maps for the County Seat (Landkreis) Tirschenreuth, Bavaria. Tirschenreuth is about 150 miles north-northwest of Munich, about 40 miles east of Bayreuth, and about 115 miles (by car) west of Prague, Czechia.

Falkenberg, which lies on the river Waldnaab (Bavarian: “Woidnaab”), is about 6 miles west of Tirschenreuth, on Highway 2167.

Another Bavarian Family Connection: Familie MARK und VOLLATH

About the same time (specifically, 18 February, 2022), I found someone on Ancestry and Family Search who was working on the same line as I was — with A LOT more information. So I wrote him.
Hallo! Ich weiss nicht, ob Sie Deutsch oder Englisch kann. Ich bin Amerikaner, so werde auf English schreiben. Hello! I don’t know if you speak German or English. I am an American, so I will write in English. (Falls ich muss auf Deutsch, kann ich das auch.)
I was looking for the parents of my ancestor, Viktoria Mark, of Bodenreuth, who married Johann KUNZ of Falkenberg, Bavaria, in Falkenberg in February, 1836. One of the witnesses was Johann Baptiste MARK, which you have listed in your family history, and the parents are Mathias Mark, Bauer in Bodenreuth und
Anna Maria, geb. Vollath von Pleisdorf. These are the people listed on your records.
How are you related to them? Johann KUNZ and Viktoria MARK are the great-grandparents of my Grandfather. They immigrated to Hartford, Wisconsin, USA from Falkenberg in 1845.
I am going to add your Mark and Vollath family records to my records, and I look forward to hearing more from you! Please contact me … and thank you!

A few days later, I got an email from Gerhardt RASP, a tax preparer from nearby Tirschenreuth (the county seat of Falkenberg, Tirschenreuth, Oberpfalz, Bayern, Deutschland).

Through various emails, and much research at the Pfarrkirche Falkenberg (Katholische) Kirche, he sent me many records, allowing me to take my KUNTZ/KUNZ family history WAY back, into the 1500s! THAT is amazing! He is truly a God-send, and I am blessed to have found him and Herr Kunz.

Relationship between Gerhard RASP and David KUHNS:

Georg Mathias Mark (born 1756, Bodenreuth, Tirschenreuth, Bavaria, Germany) married
Anna Vollath (born 1763, Pleisdorf, Neustadt an der Waldnaab), in the Pfarrkirche Falkenberg 24 Jan. 1790 (Gerhard Rasp and David Kuhns common great-great-great-great-grandparents)
Katharina Mark born 1797 in BodenreuthViktoria Mark born in 1813 in Bodenreuth, (married to Johann “Jacob” KUNTZ in Falkenberg, moved to Milwaukee / Hartford WISC, USA, 1845)
Franz Josef Mayerhöfer born 1839 in PirkEugene W. Kuntz born in Falkenberg, Bavaria
Barbara Mayerhöfer born 1886 in PirkJohn Kuntz born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Anna Mark, born 1925 in FalkenbergGeorge F. Kuhns born in Milwaukee
Rosemarie Stenzel, of Falkenberg/TirschenreuthGene L. Kuhns Sr. born in Milwaukee
Gerhard Rasp, born in Falkenberg David Kuhns (me) born in Milwaukee, WI, USA
Common MARK und VOLLATH ancestors from Kreis Tirschenreuth, Bayern, Deutschland

Familien Namen aus Falkenberg und Kreis Tirschenreuth, Bayern, Deutschland

Other Family Names from Falkenberg and Kreis Tirschenreuth and Neustadt an der Waldnaab, Oberpfalz, Bavaria, Germany

Family names included in the records from Falkenberg and the surrounding area of Kreis Tirschenreuth, and Neustand an der Waldnaab, Oberpfalz, Bavaria, Germany, include:

  • KUNTZ (ca. 1845 in Wisconsin, USA) KUNZ (*1766 Falkenberg), CONTZ (ca. 1740),
  • FAHRNBAUER (ca. 1740, of Falkenberg)
  • MARK (before 1500, Geißenreuth, Plößberg, Tirschenreuth)
  • VOLLATH and VOLLANDT (1500, Wurz, Püchersreuth, and Dietersdorf, Windischeschenbach, Landkreis Neustadt an der Waldnaab, Bayern, after 1619, Schnackenhof, Plößberg, Tirschenreuth)
  • WEIß (*1590, Gumpen, Falkenberg, Tirschenreuth),
  • HÄRTL (ca. 1495, Gründlbach, Tirschenreuth),
  • SCHNEIDER (ca. 1769 and ca. 1745, Wiesau),
  • TREMLER (vor 1630 Ilsenbach, Püchersreuth, Neustadt an der Waldnaab),
  • HÖNING (vor 1719 Albersrieth, Waldthurn, Neustadt an der Waldnaab),
  • SCHARNAGL, ca. 1590, Stein, (later Schönthan), Plößberg, Tirschenreuth)
  • MENZL (about 1630, Wildenau, Plößberg, Tirschenreuth, Oberpfalz)
  • HÖFLER or HOEFLER (before 1495, Geißenreuth, Plößberg, Tirschenreuth,)
  • BUSL (before 1500, Dürnkonreuth, (later Schönthan), Plößberg, Tirschenreuth),
  • KLINGER (abt 1552, Gründlbach, Tirschenreuth, Tirschenreuth),
  • DÖBERL (*1604, Laub; of Gründlbach)
  • ZIEGLER (*1605 Lodermühl, +of Gründlbach, Tirschenreuth)
  • LINDNER +1682 Plößberg, Tirschenreuth, Oberpfalz, and +1728, Dietersdorf, Windischeschenbach, Landkreis Neustadt an der Waldnaab)
  • PEIML (*1594, +1660, Hohenthan, Bärnau, Tirschenreuth, Oberpfalz)
  • SCHMID (+1689 Dietersdorf, Windischeschenbach, Neustadt an der Waldnaab, Oberpfalz)
  • BOGNER (about 1600, Neuhaus, Windischeschenbach, Landkreis Neustadt an der Waldnaab)
  • MÜLLER (about 1650, Mitterteich, Mitterteich, and Muckenthal, Wiesau, Tirschenreuth, Oberpfalz)
  • KELLNER (ca. 1645, Wiesau, Tirschenreuth, Oberpfalz)
  • [OCKL and OCKHEL] (vor 1505, Wiesau, Tirschenreuth)
  • FRÄNKEL (ca 1570, Rotzendorf, Püchersreuth, Landkreis Neustadt an der Waldnaab, Bayern
  • [CUNNZ, CUNTZ, CUNZ, KONZ], ca. 1550, Muckenthal, Wiesau, Tirschenreuth, Oberpfalz)
  • BUCHNER (ca. 1664, Wiesau, Tirschenreuth,)
  • ZEIDLER (+ca. 1650 Wiesau, Wiesau, Tirschenreuth)
  • ZEITLER (ca 1540 Kondrau, Waldsassen, Tirschenreuth)
  • ZINTL (about 1560, Schönfeld, Wiesau, Tirschenreuth)
  • KERN (vor 1530 Kondrau, Waldsassen, Tirschenreuth)

These are all names that, until October 2024, I’d never actually written down and looked at. They’re all from around Falkenberg, Wiesau, Tirschenreuth, and that area, except for a few around Neuhaus, Landkreis Neustadt an der Waldnaab.

UPDATE: Wir Reisen Nach Falkenberg! — We Are Going To Falkenberg!

We are going to Falkenberg! 8-24 of Oktober, 2024, Marnie and I will be traveling in Europe, mostly to visit family history sites in Germany and Switzerland:

  • 8-12 October: Falkenberg, Tirschenreuth, Weiden in Oberpfalz Bavaria, Germany
  • 12-14 October: Nieder Schönfeld, Ober Schönfeld, Altöls, and other areas in Kreis Bunzlau, Schlesien, where “Granny Geerdts” (Bertha Starke Geerdts, my grandmother Bertha Geerdts Kuhns’ mother) was born and went to school and church. It is now Krasnik Dolny, Poland)
  • 15-16 October: LDS Temple in Freiberg, Germany
  • 16-17 October: Prague, Czech Republic
  • 18-21 October: Switzerland, including Lustdorf, Stein am Rhein, and Zurich, where Marnie’s ancestors are from (15th and 16th century), including Hans R. Lavater, Bürgermeister (Mayor) of Zurich
  • 21-24 October: Other sight-seeing and flex time

If you are related to the KUNZ, KUNTZ, KUHNS, MARK, VOLLATH, STARKE, DAUSEL, DEHMEL lines in Germany (or Wisconsin), or the LAVATER, von SULZ, von WYSS, or WOHNLICH lines in Kanton Zurich or Thurgau, please let us know!