In the relentless/
mind-numbing, thought-boring, I/
ask how to escape.
Tag Archives: escape
Noisy Chapel Refuge: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
You know rev’rence is/
poor when you want to go to/
the hall. It’s quiet.
Leave Your Prison: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
You’re throwing off the/
shackles of what others said/
you should be. Now, BE.
Giving Her Control: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
She felt as though she/
had no control, so I gave/
it back. It’s now hers.
it back. She must do.
… so I quit
helping her escape.
Written after my daughter claimed she had no control in her life, then called me begging me to come get her from a treatment center she could leave on her own.