Micro-Garbage or Micro-Trash Urban Dictionary

Thanks to my daughter’s use of “micro-garbage”, I made a submission to Urban Dictionary. Even if they don’t approve it, here’s the definition!

Micro-garbage, micro-trash in urban dictionary

Micro-garbage, aka micro-trash: Small pieces of plastic and other non-biodegradable litter and garbage that annoyingly show up even in forests, beaches, parks, and gardens. Examples include cig butts; bottle tops; plastic tape from cardboard boxes; gum wrappers; broken glass; fast food anything (wrappers, cups, lids, straws, styrofoam containers, condiment packages).  Take a deep look at any nature setting and see how many small pieces of garbage litter the ground and plants. (Then, pick it up!)

Examples of micro-garbage in a sentence:

The wildflower patch was so full of micro-garbage that we couldn’t enjoy the beauty until we’d picked up the junk.

My walk on the park trail was disturbed by the micro-trash littering the bushes.

By the end of our walk in the woods, our pockets and backpacks were stuff with micro-garbage.

She laughed at my nature-loving attitude, saying: “Your yard is full of micro-garbage!”

Individual Eco-Activism By Degrees: IMprov Haiku

A friend of mine is a great example of individual eco-activism. She takes personal responsibility for the environment. During the past year, at great inconvenience (and, often, expense) to herself, she has avoided any plastic packaging (including food). Knowing how much recycling of plastic my family does, I can only imagine how hard this is. Yet, because she is into practical, invididual eco-activism, committed to the environment, that’s what she and her daughters do!

The other day she posted on Facebook about how her sister had joined her, and how they were finding uses for glass jars of yogurt. Her sister wrote about it in her blog. In stark contrast to people calling for corporate and government actions, and yet doing little individually, this woman is into individual eco-activism, doing something personally — which I believe is much more powerful than sitting in the middle of a busy city street intersection, or speaking at the UN, to protest climate change. I wrote this on her Facebook:

You can’t change the earth’s/
degrees, but by degrees you /
are changing our world.


I can’t change planet/
degrees, but I can change by/
degrees my own world.

My wife made this FrontPorchSense.com video about personal responsibility and individual, practical environmental activism. It fits in nicely with her logical view of not waiting for the government to fix things you can take care of yourself.


Environmental Activism Means Personal Responsibility

I wrote this blog post in NaturesGuy.com about the difference between being an Environmental Protester and an Environmental ACTivist with personal responsibility.