My Son, His Dog, Our Sorrow: Revolutionary ImproVerse Laments

My oldest son had to have his feisty little rescue dog, Veruca, put down today. He said “It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.” As a Dad (who also loved and appreciated her), I’ve had a surprising amount of sorrow. (Even now, it’s hard to post through all my tears). These poems reflect my feelings.
My son's rescue dog, Veruca -- RIP
Why No Dogs
My son,
now a dad,
has to put down
his good old dog today.

Now I understand
why I,
as a dad,
never wanted to have dogs
when my kids were growing up.

Saying goodbye
is just
too damn hard.

Dog Gone Hidden Crying

If I go take a/
shower no one can see the/
sad tears I’m crying.

I’m Proud of You, Son

We all can avoid/
doing what we should./
It takes a real man/
to do the hard things.

Or, in haiku form:
We can all avoid/
doing what we should. Only/
real men do hard things.

Not What I’d Wish For Any Dog
His dog was put down./
All said: “Rest” In Peace, but that’s/
not what I’d wish. “RUN!

Unanticipated Consequence: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Free Verse Poem

The unanticipated consequence
of having
a heart that’s breaking,
a soul that searching,
and a mind that’s wondering,
is that a view
of San Francisco bay
at sunset
absolutely flat lines

No emotions.
No memories.
No smiles.
No desiring Allejandro’s.
No craving
walking down Columbus Street
or North Beach to find some pasta
or cannoli.
No wishing for family style
in Chinatown.

Oh wait!
There IS a memory.
A blond haired,
with his back to the Golden Gate Bridge,
Russell Wilson jersey repping,
hands raised
in the air,
middle fingers

F the Whiners.
F the Quakes.
F the A’s.
And the Giants.
F San Francisco.

But mostly,
F the Whiners.