“I Know It’s Not Much, But … ” It IS! — rhyme

Backstory: On #HomeGrownNationalPark‘s Facebook page, someone posted a photo of sprouting acorns, and wrote: “I know it’s not much, but … “.
 Here’s my response:

I’m in several native plant groups, including Greater South-Eastern Native Seeds and Plant Exchange , and I always encourage people to NEVER apologize for their efforts. We’re all doing what we can, the best that we can. Think of it: 20 years ago or even less, hardly anybody but Doug (founder of Home Grown National Park) and my dad Gene L. Kuhns and a few eco-pioneers were doing anything, and now look at us! Changing the world, one acorn at a time.
People rise up in frustration,
scowling at the United Nations,
holding demonstrations.
But you don’t need to sound a horn.
YOU are sprouting acorns!
And that’s an example to the rest of us,
and is marvelous!