Nothing New: Just Do

I close my eyes, wait,
and listen for direction.
There’s nichts new. Just “Do!”

So This Is The New Year, A 3 Year

My daughter posted a New Year’s Instagram reel of photos, with Death Cab for Cutie’s song “The New Year” as the background. Watching the 2022 retrospective filled me with melancholy, especially with the lyric: “This is the New Year. I don’t feel any different.”

I’m going into a “Three Year” numerically, a year when I will be happiest and most fulfilled when I’m creatively doing things. With that in mind, my melancholy turned into resolve, and I wrote this haiku:

This is the New Year:

A time I can choose to act,
be, and feel diff’rent.

Do happy

When we do,
we find joy/
in doing,
not because/
Of what /
we do,/
But that/
We do.

Giving Her Control: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku

She felt as though she/
had no control, so I gave/
it back. It’s now hers.

it back. She must do.
… so I quit
helping her escape.

Written after my daughter claimed she had no control in her life, then called me begging me to come get her from a treatment center she could leave on her own.