Only someone from/
Wisconsin would eat ice cream/
before their cheese curds.
Tag Archives: dessert
Impressing Women: Romantic ConTEXTing Free Verse
Executive jets
To desert
mean nichts to her.
gazebo waltzes
rolling down hills
feed her soul
let her fantasies
take flight.
Summer Strawberry Shortcake Challenge: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku(s)
I bought strawberries/
for Mom today. She had some/
already. Who cares?
Seeing strawberry /
shortcake for dessert makes me/
forget all the rest.
Strawberry shortcake/
brings back summer memories/
and smiles and drooling.
Where I Shall Not Go: Revolutionary Blogging Sonnet

where old men wittily incite the masses
to laugh, with fake spirituality,
at jokes too oft said inappropriately.
I shall not go later to dessert
with those who smile, but often hurt
with backstabbing comments and bad advice,
(thought they’re only guilty of trying to be nice.)
I shall write poetry instead;
allowing sweet muse to clear my head.
As the train’s gentle rhythm rocks me to and fro,
into the joy of my creative mind I shall go.
For it is there, when I’m most dazed and confused,
that I can find my kindest refuge.
Desert’s Dessert: Romantic IMprov Haiku
She doesn’t get it.
A single raindrop is dried,
parched desert’s dessert.