Deep Insights From A Surprise Source: 2 Revolutionary ImproVerse Haikus The ditzy blonde went/ way deep and saw a meaning/ beyond my vision. AND “Even in the midst. of spirituality,/ the world still exists.”
Please Let Me In: Romantic ConTEXTing Haiku When you won’t let me/ in, I can’t show you my deep/ and tender feelings.
Crushin’ On Your Deep Genius: Romantic IMprov Haiku If I text you that/ I have a crush on your deep [OR hot]/ genius, does that work?
Acting Hollow And Empty: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Poem The feelings And desires we profess With deep impassioned words And emotions Seem hollow and empty When we continue to act As though they are hollow And empty.
Unshared Deep Feelings: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku Lament If powerful and / deep, poignant feelings aren’t shared,/ then what have you got?