I’ve been long away,
but today I stepped outside,
connecting inside.
Tag Archives: CyranoWriter
No Direction: Haiku
With no direction/
towards perfection, I just/
stumble and bumble.
Women Witness Past And Present: Haiku Lament
Women stand in my
past and now, witness to my
dumb interference.
Unsolicited Ideas Offered: Haiku Lament
I’ve offered thoughts,
unrequested. If it’s not
my business, why speak?
Fall Back Time Change Lament
Morgen Stund’
hat Gold in Mund
(until Fall’s time change
makes you sleep right through.)
Unwritten Sacred Secrets: IMprov Haiku
There’s secrets I’ll write
of willingly, and some too
sacred to reveal.
Missing Life Staring At My Screen: Haiku Lament
This gorgeous Fall morn
I, at breakfast, stared at my
phone*, not life. Why? Fail!
Sewing My Ripped Jeans And Hiding: IMprov Haiku
I sewed my ripped jeans./
Not the best patch job, but my/
underwear won’t show.
Clouds And My Friend Orion: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
Meteor Watching,
I just saw clouds, Orion.
That’s more than enough.