In a month, after
decades, we’ll again meet. I
hope we’re curious.
Tag Archives: CyranoWriter
Hurt, Not Joy Or Hope: Haiku Lament
Look Close At Shimmering Bee’s Wings: Haiku + Video Serenade
I’d never seen such*/
shimmering on bee’s wings, but /
I’d never looked close.
Video taken at Spirit Tree Farms 23 June, 2024, Catoosa County, NW Georgia. Native bee in the sunset on a native sunflower. Look at the sunset’s reflection on the bee’s wings. Original music by Marnie Kuhns, Creation Girl.
Taking Care Of Others Warning Haiku
When taking care of
others means you don’t take care /
of yourself, please change.
Electricity Surrounds Me: No Negative Ions
surrounds me daily. I’ll find
She’s Learning, I’m Lonely: Haiku Lament
She’s learning. That’s good
for her. I’m left out and so
lonely. Bad for us.
Why I’m Here Or Not: Haiku Lament
There are thousands of/
books and podcasts to hear, but/
that’s not why I’M here.
Working In The Field Pain Joy: Haiku
In the field all day,
clearing thorns and feeling pain.
Hot, tired, sore, happy.
Long Time To Nature Connect: Haiku
Floating in the creek,
I’m stunned at how long it takes
to Nature connect.
Spooking A Great Blue Heron: Haiku
Silently breathing,
barely moving, I still spook
the great blue heron.