Having not heard from/
you and then fin’lly hearing,/
I’m glad you’re not dead.
Tag Archives: CyranoWriter
Leaving Tracks Over Your Phone: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
Now that I have left/
my tracks all over your phone,/
I just feel foolish.
Lying Without You: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
How can I tell you/
I’m happy just being Dave/
when that is a lie?
Hiding Exposing Words: Romantic IMprov Haiku
Deep words that expose/
my heart and soul are not to/
be left openly.
Getting Out To Get Out: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Sometimes you just need/
to get out to discover/
you need to get out.
My Words Grow From Your Silence: Romantic ImproVerse Free Verse Lament
I can’t call you,/
text you,/
or write you,/
so I compose/
of poems/
about you./
That has to/
when I don’t hear/
from you.
My Hyperactive Brain: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
My brain’s gone into /
hyperdrive mode. I can’t stop/
thinking about *you.
Another Fork In The Road: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
I once stood at a/
fork in the road and You asked:/
“Y?”. Now it’s my turn.