I recall when we /
lay gazing at the full moon./
Then she blocked my view.
Tag Archives: CyranoWriter
Train Moonlight: Romantic ImproVerse Rhyming Free Verse Poetic Lament
The midnight train’s
lonesome call
awakened me.
I looked to see
a bright light
bearing down on me.
I panicked
until I realized
it was again
the damn
to once more
my heart
with missing you
Xanadu Revisited With Codeine: Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse Poem
I lay,
room spinning,
throat choking me,
wondering what was reality
and what was dreamscape
I wondered if I’d become as Coleridge,
if I should take up my pen and write and write and write
of things seen in fantasy vision,
of women danced with and light cotton gauze summer dresses,
of time lost in a solitary tick of the clock,
seeming to go on forever and yet being a moment.
Or was it longer?
And as the codeine cough syrup flowed through my veins,
I felt myself elevating above the bed and spinning and turning and collapsing again down,
and wondering if I would never rise again.
But determined to rise I was.
Determined not to die and be found by my mother,
wide open I’d died,
smelly rising of flesh
when she’d come in the morning,
but instead,
sitting up,
swinging my feet down
so they once again touched solid ground,
and did not dance in the air.
I determined to find me there in the morning,
codeine free,
and willing to deeply drink not drought
but the draughts of
Springville springwater.
If this seems foolish to some,
so probably seemed Xanadu foolish then.
And will someone knock on my door?
Placed In Xanadu: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
Oh codeine! Thou who/
hast placed me in Xanadu
with Coleridge’s high*.
Count Happiness Not Calories: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
“Counting happiness/
not calories” is a great/
motto for my life.
I’ll “Count Happiness,/
not Calories.” It’s a great/
motto for our lives.
“Count Happiness, not Calories!” was originally stated by Stephanie, my server at the Orem, Utah Carrabba’s Italian Grill restaurant, when we commented on the chocolate cake and how many calories it had.
Silent Good Night: Romantic ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku Lament
Although it feels strange/
to not talk to you today,/
as you say: “Good night.”
The Genius And The Muse: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
She called him genius,/
but he knew that in her lay the/
greater blessing: Muse.
Where Women Are: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
She hides in bushes,/
by paths, wanting to explore/
but never daring.
Overlapping Evening’s Cloud Blanket: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
The way the evening’s/
clouds overlapped each other/
made me dream of us.
Time Is A Choice: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Not having enough/
time ends when you decide it/
is going to end.