The art in that church/
wasn’t made with brush strokes, but/
with smiling faces.
Tag Archives: CyranoWriter
Let Me Share Your Burden: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
I’ve learned that my heart/
is never heavy unless/
I’ve caused someone pain.
Losing Himself In Her Eyes: Romantic Email Haiku
He gazed into her/
deep eyes, and thought how eas’ly/
he could lose himself.
Slipping While Climbing: Romantic Blogging Sonnet
He tried to climb/
to her lofty peak.
Companionship sublime/
was what he’d seek.
He lost the right path/
along that high way.
Trying to create laughs;
he failed in what to say.
As he fell and slipped/
down the mountain side,/
he murmured to himself, tight lipped:
“That wasn’t how I should have tried.”
He wondered: Could he try again, change and repent/
now that he was sure where the correct path went?
Sing Deep From Your Soul: Revolutionary Email Haiku
Now that your heart is/
broken, reach deep into your/
soul and start singing.
Peace Bringer: Revolutionary Email Haiku
If I can bring a/
small measure of peace into/
pained lives, I’m happy.
Writing Words Of Comfort: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
I thought perhaps my/
words could enfold and comfort/
her in her pained grief.
Am I Enough? Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
She may think that I/
am “enough,” but what if I/
don’t think I am yet?