When you shift the vibe/
and frequency of one thing,/
more change is frequent.
One frequency and /
vibe change may frequently shift/
many other thing, too.
When you shift the vibe/
and frequency of one thing,/
more change is frequent.
One frequency and /
vibe change may frequently shift/
many other thing, too.
On Easter Sunday/
I wandered down roads, through fields,/
and came back, Heart changed.
#becauseofHim #HeisRisen #Hereiraise #AllCreatures
When you cut down words
I speak to my grandchild, I/
stop playing with them.
When your quest is to
help folks see and create more,
you must do that, write?
As if to welcome/
me home to Georgia’s warm night,/
the fireflies came out.
A Facebook friend posted this thought: “You don’t need to “orient” the elderly, even if they have dementia. Spend time with them where they are at … even if it’s 1959. Ask them about what they do remember.” To which I responded:
“When my grandmother was going through that phase, where she couldn’t remember things even a few minutes after they happened, I had this thought: Old people get to that phase so they can pass their knowledge and wisdom and stories from long long ago onto to the next generation. She could remember the name of her four-year-old best friend, but she couldn’t remember what she had for breakfast that morning. So I asked her about her four-year-old neighbor and her childhood and the first time she saw an airplane. I learned how to fillet a fish. I played endless hours of cribbage and listened to stories and got to ask questions and watch her face light up as she remembered things she hadn’t thought of in decades. I spent months going through the years of 1920 to 1990 with her, looking at old photo albums, making video and audio recordings. She talked about those memories and photos as if the events captured had happened yesterday. Because to her, they probably had. It was an amazing experience.
As a result my children have heard and know more “Grandma stories” than my father, her eldest son. I’m grateful I took the time to listen about yesterday, instead of trying to force her into today.”
Visit liberal/
relatives. Watch media/
fawn o’er Biden. Gag.