Brunette Dreaming: Romantic Free Verse Poetry

She was brunette,
like me,
and I dreamed
and planned
and schemed
how to
date her,
and to what?It's a brunette thing: The hallway at Nicolet High School, ca. 1972

My German class
When I finally dared,
for the first time ever,
to ask her out,
heart in throat,
palms sweating,
stomach butterflying,
she said
she was
“too busy”.

Funny how some things
don’t change.
it’s a brunette thing.

Do You Recall? Romantic Holiday Song Parody Lament

(Sung to the tune of “Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer”)

Well I’ve known brunettes
and redheads, accountants and funny ones.
Short ones and tall ones
and ones with hair bleached by the sun.

But do I recall
the greatest lover of all?

Not yet.

Purple Whine Stomp: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

Stompning Frank -- Purple Stomping Out Eating DisorderI wear purple and/
dream of the day I can stomp/
Frank’s* face and crush him.
(“Frank” is the name of my daughter’s eating disorder. Others might call him “Ed” — as in: “Eating Disorder” )