Tag Archives: criticism
Yes, We Yawp. Free Verse
Their neighbor asked,
with a slight tone of criticism and consternation in his voice,
“Why do you yawp each evening
at the setting of the sun?”
To which she responded,
with a slightly bemused
yet amused smile:
“Why don’t you?”
–From the Wisdom of Marnie Lynn Kuhns
Here is a great scene about Walt Whitman’s Barbaric Yawp from Dead Poets Society. RIP WW and Robin.

I Just Want To Ask: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
Why can’t I plead for /
what I feel I need without/
harsh castigation?
Where The Self-Righteous Live: Revolutionary Improv Limerick Lament
Late Monday evening I parked at a bakery that was closing. With 3 cars in a parking lot designed for 100, I avoided the handicapped zone, but — parking quickly — did not pay attention to the parking “lines”. When I came out to my car, this note was on my windshield:
Learn how to park dumb ass.
There’s lines for a reason.
Love ya.”
So I wrote this (because it does seem that criticism and self-righteous, indignant behavior happens more often here than any place else I’ve lived. See? Even I’m guilty of being judgemental!
Why does it happen in Utah,
(at least as far as I saw),
where everyone’s supposed to love,
and be inspired by God above,
they judge and critize ev’ry tiny flaw?