Compare The Cold Sunrise And Be Grateful: Revolutionary Blogging Sonnet

SoCal Palm tree sunset -- warm sea breeze at San Clemente BeachShe would send me photos/
of tall SoCal tropical trees/
silhouetted in the red sunset;/
dancing in the warm sea breeze.

As if to entice me/
to visit and to stay./
To warm my feet in the sand/
and watch the palm trees sway.

I returned the photo favor/
of a frigid, streaming sunrise:/
A frosted cottonwood silhouetted/
against cold blue mountain skies.

T’was not to tempt her, nor to say I was coldly sad,/
but to remind her to be grateful for the warm beauty she had.
Cold Sanpete County frosted cottonwood sunrise

Homage To The Moon, Setting: Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse Poem

Full Moon setting amidst cottonwoods, willows, maples over Lake WinneconneIt’s early morning./
The sun/
sleeps in./

In this winter farmland,/
lazy like me,/
has not yet shucked
his blanket.

But the moon,/
and luscious,/
works her way/
through cold/
tree fingers./

They reach skyward
to cup her/
and hold her/
and uphold her/
until Apollo/
can wake up.