Signal Strength: Revolutionary Blogging Poem

Seeking strength,
I went to my Temple.
the signal
was never strong.
But today,
when I needed it most,
it was five bars,
loud and clear.
I sat,
by myself,
in my corridor,
(having met Santa twice already),
and connected
more than I have in awhile.
after being surrounded
by art
(Russian Impressionism),
Utah Lake mud tile,
and children,
I will go find milk
and a cookie.
This is worship.
This is connection.
This is receiving
the signal
at the Temple.

What A Badger Trucker! Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse Poem

I saw a Badger trucker/
rolling north /
through the snowcapped mountains.

Top down,
I pointed to my “G for Greatness” /
Packer bumper sticker, /
and flashed him a “W”
Wisconsin sign.

With his mighty horn,
he blasted “On, Wisconsin!”
Two Cheeseheads,/
on the freeway,/

I hope /
he knows /
he made my morning 🙂

Do I Ask Too Much? : Romantic Email Poetic Lament

Guys ask you/
to color your hair;
/dress differently;
/change your style; /
trim your hair; /
act other than you are;/
change your body;/
alter your speech patterns;/
shave and tidy up;/
do things that change
your personality/
and alter
who you are./

So, to show them you care./
You sacrifice yourself,/
And who you are./
What they ask
and demand of you,
You do.

I ask you to call,
To let me hear
from you.

You don’t.