Where I Shall Not Go: Revolutionary Blogging Sonnet

Yellow-shirtied poet on a UTA Front Runner -- Orem Station Feb 2014I shall not, today, go to classes
where old men wittily incite the masses
to laugh, with fake spirituality,
at jokes too oft said inappropriately.
I shall not go later to dessert
with those who smile, but often hurt
with backstabbing comments and bad advice,
(thought they’re only guilty of trying to be nice.)
I shall write poetry instead;
allowing sweet muse to clear my head.
As the train’s gentle rhythm rocks me to and fro,
into the joy of my creative mind I shall go.
For it is there, when I’m most dazed and confused,
that I can find my kindest refuge.

A Study In Early Morning Pain: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku Laments

I’m starting to write in sets. As with yesterday’s collection, this morning group of haiku starts with the earliest first, spread over a couple of hours.

Sunday, Oct. 28, 4:17 a.m.
Response To A Late Text

I sleep early to/
ease my pain, so I’m sorry/
if I don’t answer.
4:19 a.m.
Am I Angry?

It was never an/
anger, just a hurt caused by/
the constant silence.
I’m never angry,/
just feeling hurt again by/
your constant silence.
I’m rarely angry./
I’m feeling confused again/
by distant silence.

4:43 a.m.
Finally Getting An Oldie

There’s a song that says:/
“I haven’t got time for the/
pain.” Now I get it.
4:49 a.m.
Full Moon Alone

Does she care what it’s/
like to see a full moon with/
no one to share it?

5 a.m.
Gooey Realization

I just realized:/
The warm goo inside of you/
is not there from me.

5:13 a.m.
How Warm Feelings Are Lost

I shouldn’t have told/
you that I felt warm goo, too./
Silence vanished it.