Who To Cut From Your Roster: Romantic ConTEXTing Rhyming Poem

Since your parents,
are family,
you can’t lose them,
so it’s logical
to dump me.

I thought that I
was more support than that
but you sleep with your dog,
and can’t kick a cat.

So without a doubt,
I’m the one that should be left out.
And so again,
I am.

Who To Cut From Your Roster: Romantic ConTEXTing Rhyming Poem

Since your parents,
are family,
you can’t lose them,
so it’s logical
to dump me.

I thought that I
was more support than that
but you sleep with your dog,
and can’t kick a cat.

So without a doubt,
I’m the one that should be left out.
And so again,
I am.

Unnoticed Creative Gifts: Revolutionary Blogging Poetic Lament

Months spent,
what to do for children
so they know I care.
So they feel
my love,
my devotion,
my unwavering commitment
to them.
To their happiness.
Personal things found,
made with love,
like when the 1st grader
in my past
made a shiny gold
flower vase
out of sparkles
and paper
and glue paste.
I was so proud,
and she loved it
so much.
And things I do now
for my children:
car repairs,
debt forgiveness,
as well as dinners,
I think of them
as much as I did then,
or maybe more.
They are my flesh and blood,
sprung from my loins,
grown of my sinews.
I would give my life for them.
I have given my life for them.

And yet,
they don’t know.
They don’t recognize
how much
I think about them;
how often
I feel for them;
how pained
and empty
and alone
I feel without them.

But my creative reaching,
my monetary stretching,
my time sacrificed giving

And I don’t know
how to change
what they can’t

They say
they think
I don’t care.
I don’t show love.
I don’t give them
what they need.
That may be true.
They may think that.
But there has never been
a father who has tried harder,
or thought more
showing his children
he cared.
Because with every fiber
of my soul,
I do.

Disqualifying Over Children: Revolutionary IMprov Email Poetry

“Do you want children?” the question asked.
Over that small detail I’m taken to task?

Would I like them in her house?
Would I like them with her X-spouse?
Would I like them in her room?
Would I like them in her womb?
Would I like them here or there?
Would I like them anywhere?

Where I’d like them, I could not know!
I just try to go with the flow!
And I decry ambiguity.
At least, it seems that way to me.

For if I, to that question, say “No!”,
then women with children could turn and go,
as would women, certainly,
who were waiting, mothers-to-be.

But I’d not exclude them for that choice.
Being good partners means both have a voice.
And thus, the answer of open/uncertainty,
seems to fit, I think, the openness of me.

Thank you. I’m glad you listened;
and now my poem is at an end.

Except for this small thought before I part:
Wouldn’t you like a man whose heart,
soul, and mind
are open, generous, giving, and kind?
Who won’t disqualify before he starts?