Packers Versus Seahawks Conflict Solution: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

Packers versus Seahawks conflict: Today I'm a CheeseheadOn this yearly day/
of conflict, should I be a/
12 or Cheesehead? Roots!

*As the 2020 playoffs loom, Seahawks versus Packers at Lambeau Field, I’m again faced with this conflict. I’ll do what I did in the past playoff game: Wear my Packers / KUHN jersey over my Seattle 12 / FAN jersey. Then, if the Hawks win (as they did last time), I just take off my Packers jersey and celebrate with the 12s!

What A Badger Trucker! Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse Poem

I saw a Badger trucker/
rolling north /
through the snowcapped mountains.

Top down,
I pointed to my “G for Greatness” /
Packer bumper sticker, /
and flashed him a “W”
Wisconsin sign.

With his mighty horn,
he blasted “On, Wisconsin!”
Two Cheeseheads,/
on the freeway,/

I hope /
he knows /
he made my morning 🙂